diseases or just common fish spots?


New member
First off the questions in the sticky:

1. How old is this aquarium? 4 months

2. If less than six months old, what is ammonia level? 0
SP 1.026
Cal 500
alk 11
phos .10
ammonia 0
nitrate 0

3. What is SG of this aquarium? How measured?
1.026 refractometer

4. When was the last fish added to this aquarium? 1 month ago Judi queen angel

5. Was it quarantined? If so, how? And how long? Was it prophylactically treated? How? QT for 1 week, no chemicals used, fish was selected from person in Florida who QT's his fish before shipping, did not come from LFS, straight from person with license who collects from the ocean.

6. If you are using a copper based medication, which one? How often do you measure level? When? none, have corals in tank, many SPS

7. If you are using hyposalinity, how did you calibrate your refractometer?

So, all of my fish are eating, like insane hogs at eating, no issues there. I have since the beginning, kole tang, Naso, Emperor angel Juvi, 2 clowns, Yellow goby, 5 chromis. All of those fish were from the start, within the first week of getting levels stabilized back in late October. Using Algae Turf scrubber from inland aquatic, had seed screen, levels have been consistent since day one with only high phosphates at the beginning.

Tank is 265 gallons. When I first started the tank I didn't know about QT fish, so when I got all of the different fish from 3 different LFS they all went into the display tank after acclimating, started with chromis, then added clowns, then got Naso, Emperor, and Kole at same time from same tank at LFS. Last fish added was Juvi queen about a month ago. I kept him in QT for a week, ate right off the bat, no signs of any diseases. Was treated chemically from man I purchased from.

Started adding SPS corals before the queen and added 3 more pieces of SPS 14 days ago.

Now on to the fish. When I first got the Naso back I would say in November I put all the fish in the DT. he started to develop white specks after a week so I pulled him, put in QT and treated with copper for 4 days. All spots went away but my QT at the time was only 15 gallon or so and so I decided to put him back in DT. Since then no Ich like spots on any fish now since End of November. I know Ich has a longer life cycle than this and it could be dormant in my DT.

What I am seeing is confusing me. Occasionally, twice in the last two weeks, I have seen on the Kole tang what looks like bleaching of the skin. Like a reverse hickey. His skin will go from deep purple to a pink in random spots on his body. Then an hour later it will be gone and he will look fine, not sure if he is getting too close to a power head or what is causing these. It has happened once on the nano tang. The emperor had a spot right behind his eye where it looked almost as if he has lost a scale, like a clearer spot on his side not completely black (pre color change). But the spot wasnt raised and he looked normal after 48 hours. No issues with chromis or clowns.

All of these things come and go, today and currently as of two hours ago I came in to feed the fish lunch and the Queen has a clear raised spot on his side. Not sure if it is a fluke or possibly he is shedding a scale? Do fish shed scales? I am going to try and attach a picture but they swim so fast its hard to capture.

All fish go crazy at feeding time, I mix a lot of different foods, misys shrimp, Angelfood frozen food and green plant frozen for the tangs at 9am, lunch time is a cube or so of Fish frenzy, brine shrimp around 2, and then maybe some pellets later on in the day. There is no physical signs of sickness in behavior, just occasional skin spots that disappear quickly aside from the queen. Could this spot on the queen and the others be from chasing each other around and bumping into rocks or power heads? Has anyone seen weird skin spots that disappear quickly in their fish? Can fish shed scales and would they appear somewhat clear like when a shrimp molts? Trying to determine if the tank/queen has flukes, and if I should treat it. I have bristle worms in the sand, and Christmas tree worms on a ball of Porite coral.

Attaching picture of the queen, spot is midway on his side. Best picture I could get as he won't stay in one spot.



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I would worry about flukes if you see the fish flashing (fin flicking, head shaking, erratic movements along with hovering in one spot and heavy breathing, loss of appetite) can also be bacterial
I decided to do Prazipro today just to be safe, nothing in the tank showed any signs of having flukes, the spot is still on the side of the queen and my guess is he either lost a scale or is losing one as the translucent spot is still on his side. Everything still is eating fine so it looks like I treated the tank unnecessarily, I guess its better to be safe than sorry.