Disney Cruise Excursion Diving


New member
I am going on a Disney cruise in January to Cozumel, Gran Cayman, and Key West. I wanted to know if anyhow had done any of the dives that are in the Disney cruise excrusion list before, and if they are worth it? Otherwise i will just plan dives with the local dive shops. Let me know. Thanks:D
I cant speak on the disney cruise itself, but usually the boat excursions are overcrowded. I just got back from a weeks vacation on Cozumel. On Cozumel I go snorkeling with a lady named Roswitha Flury. She will take you out in a boat to three different reefs and you get about 45 minutes on each reef. She also feeds you some fresh fruit. It was 67 per person but well worth it!!! You can probably google her name and get more info. I do not have her contact info on me. Also there is only about 10 or less poeple on the boat so its not very crowded. I saw tons of fish, an eel, stingray, huge starfish, and even a nurse shark. I recomend booking your excursions ahead of time as they are less expensive that way and you are guaranteed to get to go. In Grand Cayman I have only snorkeled off of 7 mile beach. There were not many corals, but a lot of fish. I plan to go back to Grand Cayman next year. I know a lot about Cozumel so feel free to ask!!!
What dives do they list?

Cozumel and Grand Cayman both have excellent diving. Last time I went to Cozumel, I dove with Papa Hogs, excellent operation. Cayman has a number of very good operations, but who you go with might depend on how long your in port.
They didn't say anything about who we were diving with, just what we would see etc... Not specific at all ie.. "2 dives, lots of coral, etc.."
Definately dive in cozumel, very nice waters and reefs. Swim with the stingrays in grand caymen, awesome. In key west, hit the hogs breath saloon and enjoy the shops. You wont be dissappointed.
There is excellent diving within minutes of the cruise ship dock at Cozumel. Most operations (if you don't go with the cruise ships excursion) will ensure you get back in time if you prearrange things with them. As for the cruise ship excursions themselves, depends on how many divers are on board. Sometimes it's a small enough handful that going with the boats excursion is alright, sometimes there's enough that it's a cattle call.

In Cayman, there is good diving fairly close to where the tenders let you off. Only a short walk to the east is Eden Rock/Devil's Grotto, with easy shore entry, good for snorkeling also. Last time I was there, the dive shop was out of business, but possibly someone else has started it back up by now. Cathy Church's operation is only a few minutes farther up the road. The best diving is on the East End, North Wall and West End off the Turtle Farm. Those locations are bit distance from the harbour so best for a return trip.
That was one of my concerns, if we did go to local shops vs. the cruise excursions, was getting to the boat in time for departure. So, do you think that the places that the excursions would take us be the same as if we went to a local shop, only difference being how crowded it may be?
In Coz all the diving will be the same general area. In Cayman, most of the excursions go straight for Sting Ray City. A typical 2 tank dive for Sting Ray City is one dive with the rays, and one on the nearby reef. It's worth emailing other dive operators ahead of time if you want to avoid the cattle boat routine. Some will provide shuttle transportion to and from the dock, and they generally know the cruise ship schedules as well.