Looking into getting back into a big tank. Used to have a 180. I've always had tank/stand/sump all in one spot. With my new house I'm wondering if this setup would work of having the display on one side of a finished basement wall, and having the plumbing go through that wall into the other side that's unfinished basement and having my sump and all my stuff on that side? If so, anything special that I would need to consider? Is gravity good enough to get the water from the display thru the wall to the sump? The sump would be on the floor on concrete. How strong of a return pump would I need to get it from the sump, thru the wall and back into the tank? Looking to get at least a 180, preferably 210 gallon tank. Not sure of sump size, recommendations? Always before I had to limit sump size to tank stand inner dimensions.