if anyone asks, it's $10
more from the Philippines...
massive purple barrel sponge
ocellaris clowns with juveniles (nemo!) in anemone
leather (sarcophyton)
tomato clown
goniopora coral
plating montipora (or porites?)
crown of thorns starfish - coral predator (currently ravaging areas of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.....not so much here in the Phils)
check out the profile of the big trumpet fish...
massive purple barrel sponge

ocellaris clowns with juveniles (nemo!) in anemone


leather (sarcophyton)

tomato clown

goniopora coral

plating montipora (or porites?)

crown of thorns starfish - coral predator (currently ravaging areas of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.....not so much here in the Phils)


check out the profile of the big trumpet fish...