Diving on Thursday morning, August 29th

Speckled Grouper

Sticks Suck!
We have a some friends coming in from Australia for MACNA. And they wanted to go diving here..(hard to believe, but true). And then some other friends from out of town wanted to go diving also. So we chartered a boat for the morning of Thursday, 29th of August. The boat holds 20 and we have 5 spaces left.
It's $ 60.00 if you bring ALL your own gear, $ 80.00 if you need tanks and weights.

We'll probably dive a wreck first and then drift dive the reef.

If anybody is interested in joining us, please let me know.
Hey - I'm still alive :)

Still going through hell but walking the walk. Not back into the tank scene yet but am a certified diver now. Going out for bugs on the 22nd with Dixie Divers
I'm in if there is still room. Just need to know boat location and time. Thanks

PS. if you could, please text me the details ASAP so I can book and request the time off from work.


Thanks, Frank
Hey - I'm still alive :)

Still going through hell but walking the walk. Not back into the tank scene yet but am a certified diver now. Going out for bugs on the 22nd with Dixie Divers

Theres my buddy ....hang in there I know its been a long journey but you will make it....was hoping you were just about ready ....give me a call when u are off tonight ....

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There is still room!
Adam, I pm'd you my info and will get you all the details as soon as I hear from you.
Frank, I will text you the info
The boat leaves from Pompano Beach. And since we "own" the boat, we can set the departure time!
Chuck!!!!! Good to hear from you!
Got it Adam.
So we are officially sold out :) Now we have to pray for good weather!
Just got off the phone with my buddy in Australia who told me that he has never dove without a wetsuit ....and hasn't dove with tanks in 15 years......they use strictly hookah down there. This will be interesting to say the least....

Knees? So very familiar with that. I have had 3 knee surgeries myself and the next one will be a knee replacement....putting that one off for as long as I can...
....Knees? So very familiar with that. I have had 3 knee surgeries myself and the next one will be a knee replacement....putting that one off for as long as I can...

Ouch! This was my first one. I had a torn meniscus and a piece of torn cartilage. Sorry to hear that your next will be a knee replacement. Hopefully not anytime soon.