DIY Breakout box help.


Active member
Ok so I have an Avast Barrel Tender dohickey which supposedly makes keeping your RO/DI supply pain free in the sense it'll auto fill when low and stop when high. Unfortunately I have the Apex version that uses the Apex as a logic controller (basically if switch 1 and 2 open then open the solenoid, type of stuff). Well long story short I don't have an Apex, but I do have an AquaController 3 and a handful of Reef Keeper "light"(? jr?) so figure I could use one of these to make it work.

Now a breakout box seems SUPER easy, you have a single signal cable and a common ground, that's it. I don't even need to cram it all inside of a project box because all I need is two cables, just solder it, heat shrink and tuck it behind my 100G container and call it a day.

Now here's my question. Is it fair to guess that using the Reef Keeper (Digital Aquatics) is not going to be possible? Seems that everything has a rom chip on it or something to tell the head unit what it is, what version number it is, etc. ? Question 2: Is it really just as simple as plugging in a DIN cable into the Aquacontroller and setting up the switch programming? I don't know why but all the DIYs I've seen have been for Apex, and considering the Apex I would think they would have had something similar to that. Am I missing something?
This is the instructions for hooking it up to the apex.
Here are the instructions for the Aqua Controller 3 the only thing you will need to do is cross reference the connector wiring to the Avast.. For you it would be Input Pins 1 and 2 and Pin 8 for the common. Then just program the switch Here is the link.

Have fun HTH
you can buy a mini din 8 cable (around $5 on ebay or amazon) and just cut it.
The switch connector for ac jr., ac 3, apex classic are all the same. you can just plug the mini din 8 to the ac3 and just hardwire the switch to sw1 and gnd. no need for breakout box, as it is a passive module that only contains wiring and connectors.