Water Lover
21", your standard 75 gallon tank. Yeah, my next aquascaping will be the same, so I'm drafting a new design for my arrays now. What's the height of your tallest land mass that will have sps on them, that will determine the optics, current and placement as well.
I think that if you space them well, that should be a good number and you don't need 40 degree optics necessarily, unless you want the lowest current possible. My fixture is 12" above the water line and these are the PAR results I'm getting, so you may be a few inches deeper, but you could also have you fixture closer too for compensation.
I think that if you space them well, that should be a good number and you don't need 40 degree optics necessarily, unless you want the lowest current possible. My fixture is 12" above the water line and these are the PAR results I'm getting, so you may be a few inches deeper, but you could also have you fixture closer too for compensation.