GDominy thanks for information. I'll have 6 Meanwells so I prefer to use 2 dim ports instead of 3 especially that I'm planning 2 controlable Tunze pomps and right now I have only "standard" Profilux (4 available L ports).
And as I see I'll use EVG-AP-2F to be sure that power is totally cutted. As I understand I can connect to this board 2 sets of Meanwell (in each set 3 supplies). Through this board I set only dim signal or also power cords? (never saw this board).
And as I see I'll use EVG-AP-2F to be sure that power is totally cutted. As I understand I can connect to this board 2 sets of Meanwell (in each set 3 supplies). Through this board I set only dim signal or also power cords? (never saw this board).