I'm just starting my DIY Led lamp project

so I've got a lot of questions.
Tank will be ca. 46" x 26" x 21" (height)
I've got heatsink 43" x 7.5".
There'll be:
- 30 XP-G white (probably R4, 0D because I've got problem to buy bin R5, 0D)
- 42 XP-E royal blue (bin D3)
- 6 Meanwell ELN 60-48D
I'm going to make such circuits:
- 24 XP-G - drive on 1.3A (on 2 Meanwells)
- 6 XP-G + 6 XP-E - drive on 0.9A (1 Meanwell)
- 36 XP-E - drive on 0.9A (3 Meanwells)
and connect it to Profilux.
And my questions:
- does the ratio between RB and CW are proper (in previous tank I used 13000K HQI suplemented by actinic T5 bulb)
- bin R4 for CW is OK or it's much better to find R5?
- I want to control those lamp using Profilux computer. How many Meanwells I can connect to one Profilux port (eg. L1)? Does 2 ports for 6 supplies will be enought or I should use 3 ports to be sure that Profilux will handle it?
- do I have to use GHL EVG-AP-2F to totally disconnect Meanwell? (I don't want to additionally use Profilux power bar with to connect those supplies)