New member
It all depends on how you want your tank to look. If you want a warmer look then a warmer XR-E and a red. Ive seen great growth with only using the Cool White and Royal Blue. Personally I prefer a more blue or 17K look but mank have used a 6.5K look with good results. If you do go with a large mix of LEDs I would use dimmable drivers or buckpucks so you don't fry your corals.
I agree with the blue or 17k look myself. I am using a 20k hqi on my existing system and love the color it gives. IMO, 6.5K is too yellow, while it produces higher par, I like the color of 14K or 20K better, and have had good growth with both.
AS far as UV to the best of my knowledge SE MH bulbs have a UV shield to prevent UV
I was unaware that the SE MH bulbs had UV sheilds. Do you know if this is the case with DE MH?
Scratch that, after doing some research online, it appears that most MH bulbs whether SE or DE are produced with UV blocking glass. While this is not always the case, chances are the bulbs we buy for our tanks are among those that block UV radiation. I have a UV meter at work that I can use to test the UV output on my existing MH system. I will try and test my DE MH tomorrow to see if it is putting out any signifcant UV. I will let you know what I find.
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