Team RC
That will be fine. Best is pretinned wire, as it will be more resistant to corrosion problems. And you want something with good insulation.
Sounds like the AquaIlluminations Sol...humm, i forgot to ask about optics but i do remember taking a close look under those hoods and i don`t recall seeing ANY optics on those 1w LEDs. I just recall the shield over them as the leds were arranged in strips. I do remenber him saying each 2` section goes for $700! each!
Sounds like the AquaIlluminations Sol
I had bookmarked the site where the LED fixtures came from. This is what they are. Jason at the store said he had added or substituted RB strips to the fixture. I guess that may be an option. However that Bowfront looked stunning. The corals looked as healthy as those on any natural reef. I dunno, maybe 3w LEDs arent needed, maybe optics are overkill too as far as PAR?
For power, you will need to acquire a 24V power source that can handle the load of the LEDs. I found the perfect power supply at It is a 24V 6.5A CNC power supply. You will need one for each type of LED. The BLUES get one and the WHITES get one.
Thanks fishman and DWZM. what would you think the max height should be for 40 degree optics? I would like to mount high but can lower it to about 2 feet if needed.
Ok I have a problem with my build ...
I am using XRE CW and RB. I am planning for 90leds on my 125G. I wanted to do half CW half RB. I am using the cat4101 to drive them. So the build is 3x 30leds
Each module:
5 rows of 6leds strings (6led because the cat4101) ... My problem is with 5 rows I can't do the 50/50 (or on the last string, can I drive 3leds CW and 3Leds RB ??). I can't either doing 6rows of 5leds string because my power supply give me minimum of 20V ... will be to high for the cat4101 ... Any suggestion ???