LED Lamp Design
LED Lamp Design
Dear Forum,
I am truly amazed to see such a great forum here! I think this might actually be the best source of general LED lighting information I've seen anywhere.
Some friends of mine asked me to design them some custom LED lighting for reef tanks, so I wanted to try to find out some more information about them. I design custom open-hardware LED light fixtures for a living (
http://saikoled.com) for hobbyists and DIY folks, and from reading up about the biology and physics involved here, I think that these tanks are just about as perfect an application of LED technology as any I can think of, so I'm very excited about the project!
What I am wondering is if perhaps one of you kind folks could help me answer a few questions:
1. Why do you think LEDs are better than metal halide? My impression is that MH emit a huge amount of power as UV which is essentially useless (and actively dangerous), and that they don't dim well. However, otherwise they are more efficient than an LED and are cheaper. One that seems particularly odd to me is that I keep hearing that *20,000K* MH bulbs are too blue! At 20,000K, it should be putting out the majority of it's radiation at 140nm, way, way past the visible range and far into the range where it's extremely dangerous to look at or even shine on your body!
2. How much can you get 10,000 lumen commercial LED fixtures for? I am absolutely confident that I can make an extremely nice one that I would happily sell for under $1500, likely less if I am making more than one or two. Thus, it's sort of a waste of my time to make my own if I can point my friends to one that is just as good and costs less!
3. What are good sizes for me to design for? I could make a 2' long, 5-6" wide fixture that puts out 10,000 lumens, or a 4' long that puts out 20,000 lumens, and so on. But I'd like to design them to be as close as possible to what a general aquarium user might actually want.
4. Is there anyone around who might be interested in collaborating to do this commercially? I have a lot of experience with building these fixtures, including dealing with problems that most newbies don't think about, like case design, heat dissipation (the more powerful the LED, the more the die heats up and must be cooled rapidly), spectrum tuning, nice user interfaces, wifi control, etc. I would love to find someone who knows about aquariums to work with.
Best wishes and a happy new year,
Brian Neltner