New member
Thanks to you both for your help, both threads helped alot!
I'm now planning to have 96 3w leds total, 48 40-50lm blue and 48 120-150lm white, 4 rows of 24 leds.
This will go across the 250 cm of my tank.
Would this be sufficient?
I could also do 2 rows of 48 or 3 rows of 32 leds, ofcourse. Or if it's really needed I can always go with more leds.
And what optics would I need? I've seen both 60 and 90 degrees and I don't know which would be best. Also, the site where they sell the leds say viewing angle 120 degrees, does this mean there's already a lens on it?
4x24 would be nice.
Imagine on my 48" tank i was able to do a 12 LED left to right where on your tank you are doing it 24 LED left to right... Twice as dense as mine...
Then front to back, 4 is perfect.
May I suggest to do all blue on row 1 and 4, then mix white blue on row 2 and 3.
This way you can still have dusk dawn effect, that is if you are doing linear approach. If not then it does not matter where you put your blue and white.