T Diddy
Happy to be here
If you decide to use spray foam for any portion (I do like it very much), don’t worry about trying to cover/coat it with anything. In my first foam build, I covered it with epoxy and sand,crushed coral rubble mixture. It looked amazing for a while. Over time though, the foam will absorb a little water and expand slightly, but the epoxy won’t. Ultimately, I had matured looking rock work with the occasional random bright clean splotches where the epoxy would separate from the swollen foam surface.
Besides, naked foam makes an amazing and simple frag mount…punch a hole in the foam with an adequately sized drill bit or rod, and insert the frag plug directly into the foam with a little super glue gel.
Besides, naked foam makes an amazing and simple frag mount…punch a hole in the foam with an adequately sized drill bit or rod, and insert the frag plug directly into the foam with a little super glue gel.