DIY Sulfur Denitrator

I think that a one liter weighs 2.2 pounds. I think it is the same conversion as Kilograms to Pounds. I need about 5 pounds for my tank volume.

The whole glue thing was a lot easier than I thought but I think it is because I had the applicator and took time to do a little homework on DIY pages for acrylic projects. I am going to work on this some more this coming week.
YEA SPLIT!!!!!!!! lol... congrats...

this is a really easy project...

good idea mike with the 6" hole saw... scribing the acrylic..
I think that it will make for a better seal and more stable reactor in the end. I ahve to figure out how to keep the bit from drilling through though. I might take it off and jsut clamp the acrylic bases down to stabalize them. I think that will work best for me.
weeeeee .. it's a split.

and WEEEEEEEEEEEEE i got my Lamotte test kits in today ... nitrate was one of them.

0.25 !!!!!!

i tested 2 times to make sure. didn't bother testing the effluent .. i don't think that will be necessary, do you?!

As far as the Alk .. it has taken a nice dip down ... sitting right now at about 4.7 (84ppm) .. i my calcium is high, and the aragonite & GenX media is getting used well.
Finally a split!!!

It was taking forever to post my answers to questions here :rolleyes:


No need to...You've had yours running for a while right?

How does Lamotte measure nitrate levels?

How are you adjusting your Alk levels?

oh i know .. i was just poking fun ..

I'm currently not adjusting my alk .. i do have a kalk reactor sitting around thats not hooked up, and a gal of each ingredient of randy's 3 part.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12634475#post12634475 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wizsmaster
oh i know .. i was just poking fun ..

I'm currently not adjusting my alk .. i do have a kalk reactor sitting around thats not hooked up, and a gal of each ingredient of randy's 3 part.

I knew you were....LOL

Seriously how does Lamotte measure nitrate ions?

Do you find it really accurate to warrant the extra expense?

I've got a few fellow reefers that have had the LaMotte test kits, they like it, and find it accurate. I've only done a few tests the new Alk/Calcium & NO3 kit ... and i like it as well. I've had the PO4 kit, it seems pretty accurate & easy to use.
Dang.. I pulled out my spare power heads and they have, like, square outlets or multi-gapped, adjustable, O-ringless inlets.

Off to the LFS. All the same and worse. They had one that would be trivial to plumb in - "Warning! Unit must operate completely under water".

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12634726#post12634726 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie
No counting drops is good news!!! :D


Yes, very much so. Which one are you using? API?

Which Nitrate test is everybody using here?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12638188#post12638188 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kcress
djfrankie; What exactly did you use to glue the CPVC to the Maxijet 1200?

My build was a bit different with a Phos ban reactor, but I used this for the cpvc & Maxi- jet



The cleaner / primer will give the MJ a better surface for the cpvc to adhere to


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12634300#post12634300 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wizsmaster
weeeeee .. it's a split.

and WEEEEEEEEEEEEE i got my Lamotte test kits in today ... nitrate was one of them.

0.25 !!!!!!

i tested 2 times to make sure. didn't bother testing the effluent .. i don't think that will be necessary, do you?!

As far as the Alk .. it has taken a nice dip down ... sitting right now at about 4.7 (84ppm) .. i my calcium is high, and the aragonite & GenX media is getting used well.

wiz.........your right the split is a big deal, as it shows just how much interest there is in this subject and without dj it never would have happened so a GREAT big THX to him.

I to use the LaMotte line as they are very accurate and easy to use. Just a thought on your result(s), you mentioned 0.25 ppm, did you convert or was that the direct reading ? if direct as you know you must convert Nitrate-Nitrogen to Nitrate which all here use.....therefore 0.25 X 4.44 = 1.1 ppm Nitrate, a very good result for sure, just my thoughts on this:mixed: :mixed:

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12637369#post12637369 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by skippyreef
I have the salifert for Nirtrate and a Hanna meter for my phosphates. Is the Lamoote more accurate than the salifert? my recent reply to wiz......yes the LaMotte are very accurate, and I continue to use them, however for our work here zero = zero and the Salifert line are more than accurate for this project. One thing we all must keep in mind is with both kits (LaMotte and Salifert) Nitrites will and do intervere with the test results for Nitrates and also all must observere the expireation date on all old dated LaMotte kit is way I'm here in the first place:mad2: :mad2:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12634511#post12634511 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by djfrankie
I knew you were....LOL

Seriously how does Lamotte measure nitrate ions?

Do you find it really accurate to warrant the extra expense?


dj.............I am a little late on this one:rollface: but any how, the LaMotte Nitrate test kit reads in Nitrate- Nitrogen ( the final result is the reading X 4.4 to obtain Nitrates in ppm) and obtains this result by first converting the Nitrates to Nitrites by an acid reaction and then is read on a comparator for results, very accurate to be sure but final results can and will be influenced by Nitrites so all should be aware of this.
