dmorel's 220 Round & Shallow reef build

arent u afraid ur dog is gonna chew on the tubing?

That's why I built a box around the plumbing.
The dogs have no access to the sump room unless I'm in there and all the plumbing and electrical for the DT are under the false floor or boxed in under the stand. No access.
Didn't help my couch though, she ate that.
wow i love this tank, great looking sump room. I was telling my wife on the new house we have to have a sump room. After showing her your tank she wants a round take she can play with in the sump room. So with that said THANK YOU and keep up the great work.
I just got the tank all polished up and pretty on the outside so it's starting to look nicer.
Calcium reactor is finally online but I have to set it up to be controlled by the RKE. Do that sometime when I get back from Vegas. (just work, not exciting at all)


i really love what it looks like with corals

Thanks GSMguy!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14672372#post14672372 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by serenity
wow i love this tank, great looking sump room. I was telling my wife on the new house we have to have a sump room. After showing her your tank she wants a round take she can play with in the sump room. So with that said THANK YOU and keep up the great work.

Well you're welcome :)

Sounds like you have a great wife there. Good luck with the build.
Been following for a while... Looking good.

Do you get dizzy during glass cleaning? I'm imagining dragging the magnet around, dropping a few inches, going around, dropping a few inches, going around again.... It's probably really efficient and efficient is good when it comes to maintenance.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14683109#post14683109 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Untamed12
Been following for a while... Looking good.

Do you get dizzy during glass cleaning? I'm imagining dragging the magnet around, dropping a few inches, going around, dropping a few inches, going around again.... It's probably really efficient and efficient is good when it comes to maintenance.

So far it's been really easy to keep the glass (well acrylic) clean.
You've nailed it, I just use an aquamop, and make about three circles around the tank and I'm done!

fortunately there is no rock work anywhere near the outer edge so it's drop dead simple.
So the tank, or more specifically the lighting got a little buzz today from eric michael over at glassbox.

If you are so inclined you can read the post over on his great blog.

Eric's blog and the now out of the hobby invincible had a lot to do with helping me shape the aesthetic of the display tank.

And yes, he's spilled the news that a few more Japanese lights are coming ;)
Long time since I updated you guys. Sorry about that.
Been doing a LOT of traveling for work.
Good thing is the tank is running well on autopilot with an assistant from my wife for feedings.

The tank is rolling along very nicely. Everything is settling in. The Calcium reactor is finally online and the levels nice and stable now.
The only thing I'm struggling with is keeping the PH high in the main tank.
I've added a few fish, and may even get my tangs as early as this weekend. They have been on hold at one the LFS's for a while now and might be ready to come home.

I have not made any progress on the floor however. Things on the construction front took a very sudden stop. Mostly because of real life getting in the way of playing with the tank.

I did get a HUGE influx of acans from a local who was breaking down a tank, so there is some nice livestock that makes for some pretty good eye candy. Will try really hard to get some new shots this weekend.

I promise to update with some new pics shortly.
OK, so I didn't take any pictures tonight, but I did make a short video.

I may have went a tad transition crazy in iMovie :)

In the interest of shear simplicity, I popped it onto youtube, so if you're interested you can watch the movie there
that is looking sick . When I went to phx over christmas I saw this tank at the store still. Man It looks good.
Nice video! I'd say you have one of the more unique tanks on RC. Can't wait to see this tank a year from now all filled in.
one of the sickest builds ever!

and ive seen a lot on this forum too...

do you mind if i post some pictures and a link to this thread on my blog?

also, the only advice i have to give is that maybe you'd want to dummy-cord those fuge lights to the pvc, just incase you give it a love tap or for some reason the clamp decides to give out.
Here's an updated direct to High Quality Version link to the video.

Truth be told in neither pictures nor video have I really been able to capture how nice things look. I wish I could figure it out, but so far I'm having a lot of trouble photographing and now videoing the tank. One of the local guys even remarked way back when I bought it that it was going to be hard to photograph. He was right!

I'm off to do a little tang shopping today too, so maybe have some updated pics or a new video sometime after that...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14803288#post14803288 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Mmmm..... can't seem to open link :( maybe ytube is block again??

Ed, that stinks. If it's any upside, it's not a *great* video. I'm going to have to take another one and do a better job editing once I get the tangs in there.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14803689#post14803689 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by eran
that is looking sick . When I went to phx over christmas I saw this tank at the store still. Man It looks good.

Thanks, it's coming along. Still lots to do but it's really nice to have it becoming a real tank now.
New Year's in PHX is what made me move here having come in from Upstate NY where it was 4 below. Took a couple of years but I got here...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14803891#post14803891 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21
Nice video! I'd say you have one of the more unique tanks on RC. Can't wait to see this tank a year from now all filled in.

Thanks. There are certainly lots more impressive tanks than mine on here, but I did try and do a little something different ;)
You're right that the really good stuff is still a year from now. Will just fun watching it mature though.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14803907#post14803907 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by qwuintus
one of the sickest builds ever!

and ive seen a lot on this forum too...

do you mind if i post some pictures and a link to this thread on my blog?

also, the only advice i have to give is that maybe you'd want to dummy-cord those fuge lights to the pvc, just incase you give it a love tap or for some reason the clamp decides to give out.

I don't mind at all if you would like to post some pics and a link (let me know where your blog is, would love to take a look) ---
You're right about the lights over the fuge, I really do need to zip tie those. I'm doing some maintenance today I'll add that to the list.
By the way, here is an updated fish list...
From the old tank:
CopperBand Butterfly Fish
Twin Spot Goby
New to this tank:
Pair Chalk Basslet
Pair Yellow Corris Wrasse
Pair Flasher Wrasse
Leopard Wrasse
Rainford's Goby
Sleeper Goby (why there is sand everywhere!)

Coming today and concluding stocking:
Achilles, Powder Blue, Gold Rim tangs

Later I might try to inventory the coral.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14805717#post14805717 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dmorel
Ed, that stinks. If it's any upside, it's not a *great* video. I'm going to have to take another one and do a better job editing once I get the tangs in there.

Yeah the gov sometimes does this here in this country unfortunately :(
Achilles and Powder Blue? Very interested to see how they do together. They'd look amazing but something tells me they wouldn't get along..
Well the tangs are in. One more than I anticipated (wife factor played the role there) so there is also a Lavender tang. So far they are being a bit stand offish with one another but its not been very long.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14806594#post14806594 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by reefizzhle
one of the best setup i've ever seen! very nice man

Thanks, I'm happy with what I have so far. Far from done and far from the best but it's mine and I like it. Glad you do too!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14809629#post14809629 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mrbncal
Great idea and well done.

Appreciate the nice comment, it's coming along nicely.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14809673#post14809673 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Ed Reef
Yeah the gov sometimes does this here in this country unfortunately :(

I must admit, I can't imagine what it must be like to live with your government. At least you still have RC!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=14810463#post14810463 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by thechad21
Achilles and Powder Blue? Very interested to see how they do together. They'd look amazing but something tells me they wouldn't get along..

Throw a gold rim in there and it's three times the fun. Certainly traditional thinking has the three fish as poor tank mates. The selection of these three tangs was made months ago and discussed ad nauseum. Ultimately I decided to give it a shot because of the round tank. Figuring they could swim and swim to their hearts content without turning around if they so desired. Initially they each seem to be staking out a section of the rock work. I'm going with it's too early to tell right now.
Hopefully in a day or two they will be swimming about. At least they are all eating.