dmorel's 220 Round & Shallow reef build

Any news with this tank? Pics?

yeah, the tanks pretty much cruising along. I've had to cut back a bunch of the larger colonies due to some weird STN on the bases of several corals, but it's still doing very well overall.

Haven't taken any recent pics, but will likely do so in a few weeks. I've been head down with work for the last few months.

I will say, I am LOVING the two part dosing compared to dealing with reactor. I make up 5 gallons at a time with BRS bulk and don't have to think about it again for months.
yeah, the tanks pretty much cruising along. I've had to cut back a bunch of the larger colonies due to some weird STN on the bases of several corals, but it's still doing very well overall.

Haven't taken any recent pics, but will likely do so in a few weeks. I've been head down with work for the last few months.

I will say, I am LOVING the two part dosing compared to dealing with reactor. I make up 5 gallons at a time with BRS bulk and don't have to think about it again for months.

I hear ya on the dosing. I like dosing, it's so easy. Your tank has inspired my dream tank build plans by the way.
wow... seeing something like this just throws more ideas into my mind. Whatever will I do for my next tank? This tank is epic though. VERY well done!
Your tank is awesome, thanks so much for sharing. I also have a 16" high tank and always wondering what it would looks like when it mature and your tank just answered the big question. Keep up the good work.
Awsome tank, looks like you could look at it for hours and still see something new. Nice job!!! I've read about round or circular tanks and some say the distortion gives them a headache. From What I see of yours that dosen't look like its true and I think early in your build you were a bit concerned about that look. Is the distortion less the bigger in the diameter or is that just a myth. What is the diameter of yours.
wow... seeing something like this just throws more ideas into my mind. Whatever will I do for my next tank? This tank is epic though. VERY well done!

Chris, thanks so much, glad you like it.

Your tank is awesome, thanks so much for sharing. I also have a 16" high tank and always wondering what it would looks like when it mature and your tank just answered the big question. Keep up the good work.

Happy to share, though I have to admit, this tank is far from mature, we haven't even seen it's 1 year birthday. Things are really just starting to settle in :)

Awsome tank, looks like you could look at it for hours and still see something new. Nice job!!! I've read about round or circular tanks and some say the distortion gives them a headache. From What I see of yours that dosen't look like its true and I think early in your build you were a bit concerned about that look. Is the distortion less the bigger in the diameter or is that just a myth. What is the diameter of yours.

The distortion freaked me out before we got anything in the tank for sure, I really panicked the first time we had water in it. Bad....

But now, I honestly only notice it when I'm taking pictures. It really is much harder with curved surfaces to get good shots. But other than that it's been great. The diameter of this tank is 5 feet.
I guess I haven't taken pictures in forever.

Here are a couple I just snapped, but I just used the point and shoot not the real camera so they're not that great...








Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday round reef.

My tank is turning one year old tomorrow. Since I'm on a flight first thing in the morning I gave it a present early and replaced all the bulbs the evening. (It was due anyway but seemed fitting)

Maybe take some pictures this weekend, things are coming along nicely.
Happy birthday! I have followed this build and have really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see it after another year of health
Birthday Pics...

First here is a few shots of the equipment room.

From a distance

The 2 part buckets, 5 gallons each of Alk and Calc, the waste container for the skimmer, and assorted other stuff...


the fuge and frag tank

the frag tank and sump
Now some livestock pictures...

The Full Tank Shot

Assorted Acros





some acans

caps growing together

Plating Monti beating up a digi

Little Chalice shot

More in next post....
Birthday Pics Continued...

this is a pretty cool ORA coral.
I had to cut the pink Milli way back because it was stinging the heck out that cap, you can see the part I cut off in the back right now behind the cap (next to all the bubble algae :)

The ORA PearlBerry. One of my favorites

Really hard to get a picture of this...
Purple Rim Cap

Randy O's Pink Echno
by far the most orginal tank setup i have ever seen! very cool!

Thanks Moto, really appreciate the nice compliment!

Congrats on a year!!

Thanks Bax! Hope there are many more to come.

Happy birthday! I have followed this build and have really enjoyed it. Can't wait to see it after another year of health

Me too Smoothie. Hopefully this year will be great for growth without a huge set back with some random STN event!
I love your tank, too bad I missed going with Ryan to see it, happy birthday, it looks like it should be your 3rd birthday!