do AEFW's act like this?


New member
I was looking at my blue milli tonight, while i had him out of the water, and i noticed what looked like shiny little spots on the tissue. Immediately my heart sank as i was sure they were AEFW's.... but, when i took a tooth pick and touched them, they didnt move at all, and it was more like a patch of slime.... do AEFW move when you touch them? also, do they fall apart into slime just by touching them? please tell me no and ease my mind, thanks....matt
Take the mille and shake it around then blow it off in front of a powerhead if you have them they will blow or fall off when shaken vigorusly.

Milles are first choice IME
They can since they are so thin and small ...Just blow the coral off and see what comes of it.
Blow the coral off not for 1 sec but give it a good 20 sec or so blast and turn it while blowing it off.

If the mille starts to fade int he near future I would look closer again.
well, i shook it for about 20 secs or so....and i was gonna say that i hadn't seen any fading, stn, or "bite marks" but i was just moving the coral around so i had it out, so naturally i was just looking it over, and i saw the spots... if they were AEFW, they absolutely made no effort to move when i just touched them.... any thoughts? dont they move at least a little when you touch them? thanks...
The ones I played with played dead.......

Also what size power head are you using ? I use my 6100's at full bore so thats 3000+gph . I have even been able to blow them off with a turkey baster.
just a quick question....if they are AEFW's, i have only seen them on this milli....and i examined all of my other corals very closely....if i take this one out, do you think my others will be okey? or do you think they are in the i said, i have seen no stn, bleaching, discoloring, or anything from the others....
a while.... maybe two or three months, and it was just in QT for a week with all of my other corals.... (i had red bugs...) it was one of the last corals i have gotten...and have not seen any distress signs for the two months or so i have had it....
I would say that if that coral does have them then you wouldn't be safe removing the one. The lay eggs on the coral or away from it . I have seen eggs away from corals.
i just blew it off with a powerhead and one of the bastards flew off..... i am seriously thinking about leaving the hobby... i just battled red bugs and now this...its kinda heartbreaking.... what is my next course of action? i still have the QT tank i leave the other corals in the main tank and just wait to see if they are infected, or what do i do?
It's time to decide how you want to do it . Ultimately you need to treat all your corals. How you do this is your choice . Look for the "I got flatworms you treat it thread" "Flatworms in a bowl" and ah I forgot . Anways I had great sucess with TMPCC ( tropic marin pro coral cure)

I took all my acros out of my jam packed tank and treated them before putting them in the tank .

This didn't get 100% because I found them later. My guess is that there was some unseen eggs. Anyways I continued to blow of my corals and dip any that seamed under the weather. TMPCC did take them off the corals with a slight blow from a turkey baster. I also have plenty of wrasses which have done their job on the nudis and now have done their job with the flatworms anytime one blew off they were right there eating it.

If you stay on top of it you shouldn't lose any corals corals can heal so the trick is not to slack while trying to rid your self from them .

Again do some reading in those threads and you will find what others have done or are doing .

Don't give up you can get through it . I will tell you that 1 I have redbugs, 2. I could still have monti nudis, and I very well can still have AEFW's

Here's my tank shot as of a few days ago.


and a close of of a group of corals

yeah, thanks... i am reading it right now...there are just different opinions on treatment...would you suggesst one regimin over another? I did not see any eggs at all....