Mucho, I have an emerald crab in each of my tanks and they haven't bothered my corals yet. If they do begin to bother my corals how do you suggest getting them out?
see, that was my thought on all these critters--- they are opportunistic. If fed well, they are less likely to go looking for other things to eat. In our tanks we try to find that balance between feeding well and feeding the algae.
It's a debate that will rage on forever probably, but I can honestly say that I would never trust them in a tank full of zoanthids. I have seen, witnessed and heard numerous accounts of their destruction. I spent an entire weekend years ago catching everyone of them in my tank once I witnessed it for myself their attacks. They are however voracious scavengers who will consume bubble algae and some nuisance algae. Some believe they are getting a bad rep because they are just consuming algae around the polyps and it appears they are eating zoas. Not true, they will eat zoa polyps when the urge arrives. The truth is that they are indeed unpredictable and with the escalating rise in cost to purchase a bunch of new zoanthid, I would never risk losing that kind of an investment to an unpredictable invert who will sooner or later get the munchies for your zoanthids.
Every EC that I have witnessed consuming zoanthids had a shell the size of a quarter or larger. I believe that once these scavengers reach maturity with a shell the size of a quarter, they are no longer the innocent little herbivores we believed they were. Below are but a few links of past discussions with real life accounts of the havoc an EC can reek.
Mucho Reef
Mucho, I have an emerald crab in each of my tanks and they haven't bothered my corals yet. If they do begin to bother my corals how do you suggest getting them out?
Now, what are we going to use to control bubble algae?