do i need a six-lined?


Active member
Do i need a six-lined wrasse to control those parasites? I was thinking about getting one, but when i heard of how they devestated pod count, i dicided against it!

Do you need one? I dont know how many clams I'm gunna have yet...

Umm...what parasites? Pyramid snails? A six line might help...but IME they can be hit or miss, and they will actively hunt the *pods (cope/amphi, among other fauna) you want to keep. Manual removal is probably the best (and most tedious) method for control.
hehe, ok thanks. Im a self-proclamed clam newbie! :D (or just a normal newbie??)


ps Your frags at atlantisaquatics are awsome!
Manual removal is usually best, you don't *need* to keep a six-line or any other wrasse to have healthy clams. Here, we keep a Halichoeres melanurus (Wardley's wrasse) in each clam tank to help with parasite control. However, we deal with alot more clams than most hobbyists. Unfortunately, we recently lost one of the wrasses, he had his head taken off by a 9" T. maxima. We found the body and head sitting next to the clam one morning.. a truly sad event considering the wrasse was at least 5 years old in our systems and who knows how old overall.

- JT
toptank said:
Manual removal might be a problem if you have a large tank.


Which is why it's always a good idea to inspect new clam additions thoroughly BEFORE adding to your display tank. I made a syphoning tool using both soft & rigid airline tubing. Creating a syphon, feeding into a brine shrimp net over a bucket. This way I could return the water to the tank. Hunting at night I was able to eliminate all the snails within a week (iirc). PITA, but persistent vigilance paid off.

just curoius.. is the background to those pics an avacado? it sure looks like one!!
Where would those snails be on the clams? Sounds like clam keeping is gunna be harder then I thought...
