Do I need to feed my Baby Maxima??


New member
I just purchased a 1.5" maxima 4 days ago and until today I had not seen this clam forum. From what I have been reading i need to feed the clams until they are at least 4".

I've had a 3 - 3.5" Derasa Clam for about 3mos. now and it is doing great (growth in the shell is noticeable). The maxima is fully opened and it also looks great (both are on the sand bed). I just don't want my maxima to start to deteriorate.

Is 400w of PC's enough light?? I have them on the sand because I do not want them to fall, since they seem to move aroud a bit.

If I need to feed what should I use DT's / Marine Snow / ?????

Any help is very appreciated.

Tank Specs:
65 gallon (8mos. old)
20 gallon refugium with 3 varieties Caluerpa
2- 96 Wt PC's 10k
1 - 96 WT PC 7100
1 - 96 WT PC 03 Actinic
70lb LR, 45lb LS
1.025 salinity
79-80degrees F
Corals : 2-Toadstool, Ricordea Mushrooms, Colt, Xenia, Devils Hand, Open Brain, Meat Coral, 3" Derasa, 1.5" Maxima, Assorted Polyps
Fish: Worm Goby, Blue Chromis, yellow coris, pygmy angel, GBmaroon clown
Emerald Green Crab, 1 coral banded
9 blue leg hermits, 3 scarlet hermits
Yes, you do need to feed your baby clam. From what I understand, they don't fully develop their zooxanthellae until later in life, and rely on filter feeding more while they are smaller. I think since it's a baby, it's okay on the bottom since it's not relying on photosynthesis. However, be wary of bristle worms that prey on small clams! Good luck!
Dave, also do you think this is enough light for the clams once they do start photosynthesising? WIll I have to move them up higher in the water column.

I'd recommend DT's first because it's alive. Tahitian blend is the next best thing. Skip the marine snow.

Thanks Jim, I'm going to have to mail order since the LFS only carry the Marine Snow. How many times a week should I feed DT's.

As directed, you would feed a certain amount (based on total system volume) every other day. However, for optimal results you want to eventually ramp up to twice the directed dosage. What I do, rather than offer double the amount every other day, is feed the directed amount daily. Note this is for DT's.
I use DT's. Ideally, you should probably feed it once a day. That said, a better solution would be to drip feed all day long. Some out there do it, but I don't have the time or the patience to maintain a culture of green water and rotifers to drip into my tank. I am actually kind of lax, and just dump in some DTs every few days. I supplement these feedings with a lot of things spawning (should be I supplement a lot of things spawning by adding DTs every few days, meaning, I don't feed too much) in my tank that turn into tasty meals for my inhabitants. Some people also suggest that you place the clams on something that can be removed and let it soak in a container with food in it for 30 minutes a day. Again, for me, this is too much time to do on a daily basis, so I rely on natural supplies of food and supplements of DTs.