Do SPS Need Constant Flow?


New member
Whats up guys,

I have an 18g tank I'm experimenting with and I'm planning on mainly SPS, and I already have an acropora millepora. I have 2 maxi-jet 600's on a wavemaker set-up so that my acro get about 15 seconds of good turbulence followed by about 15 seconds of little or no flow. Does this sound ok, or do acro's do better with constant turbulence. Thanks for any help.
well me personally i run my 20 gallon high tank with a magnum 350 and 2 powerheads for flow, at night around 12am or so when i go to bed i turn off the skimmer and magnum 350 so my tank has low flow at night my corals are doing good and i still see a good amount of growth. My tank stability has been a little turbulent lately so i haven't seen the full growth potential yet because i just got my tank back on track after a nitrate issue along with aclimating my corals to an iwaski 175 mh 14k

so hopefully in a few weeks everything will be looking 10 times better.

I also like light flow at night but always some flow. Having the flow change like you have set at 15sec is good imo. Sps like having strong alternating flow ime.
Thanks for the input guys. So do you think it will be ok for there to be brief periods of very low flow (polyps not moving) for ~15 second intervals?