Do You Hate Your Utility Company? I Hate Mine!


I live in Los Angeles and after the 94 Northridge Earthquake I bought an emergency generator.

In the past 23 years I had to use the generator 2x. In the past 6 months I have had to use it 8x.

The last 2 weeks of June, when the weather was over 100 degrees the power went out twice.

The first time I was home.

On June 26th, i was on vacation.....

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We live and learn. New 22kw Generac autostart generator with 200amp auto transfer switch has been delivered. Now hopefully I can get it hooked up before LADWP fails again.

Dave B
Absolutely I live in the north side of Texas we are required to use the cities electric company total monopoly we have no choice.. high rates I have family that have homes twice as big as mine yet I pay almost double.. insane!!

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I am very fortunate to live in San Antonio where brown and black outs are none existent. My only complaint is the fact they give it away to data centers at 3 cents a KWH, but punish home owners if we go over in KWH's what city public service thinks is too much for a single family home.
We get a monthly usage rating/percentage of usage compared to nearby homes. I always laugh at mine...

"You have used 98% more than nearby homes."

The lengths we go for our hobbies haha.

As for outages, maybe a dozen a year.
I'm so sorry to hear that Dave, it sucks to go on vacation to come back to this [emoji30][emoji31][emoji43]

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Just had to use my genny today. Only a few hours fortunately. I reserve all of my animosity for the cable company.
We get a monthly usage rating/percentage of usage compared to nearby homes. I always laugh at mine...

"You have used 98% more than nearby homes."

Same here. I always lol when I get that email.

As far as outages go, at the least once a month. More frequent in the winter. Generator is a must in my neck of the woods.

But of course you call for a bill credit when the powers been out for a couple days, and they laugh. But forget to pay your bill on time........