Do You Hate Your Utility Company? I Hate Mine!


I live in Los Angeles and after the 94 Northridge Earthquake I bought an emergency generator.

In the past 23 years I had to use the generator 2x. In the past 6 months I have had to use it 8x.

The last 2 weeks of June, when the weather was over 100 degrees the power went out twice.

The first time I was home.

On June 26th, i was on vacation.....

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We live and learn. New 22kw Generac autostart generator with 200amp auto transfer switch has been delivered. Now hopefully I can get it hooked up before LADWP fails again.

Dave B
I don't understand. I thought all those solar panels were generating a surplus of energy for the power companies. (sarcasm)

Sorry to hear about your loss. Very sad indeed.
Sorry to hear Dave. Just a question, did the Apex not alert you? Or since you were on vacation, you didn't have your phone on you?
So sorry to hear Dave. We can learn something from this mishap....If he had a near by reef buddy that received the outage notification from the apex, this might have been avoided....that takes prior planning before vacation but it is worthy...I will make sure to do this when I go on vacation where internet is not working....
Tragic. Totally agree, those down times in a big city are way too long! Thanks for sharing the nightmare, makes me want to revisit my power backup strategy, currently non-existent :(. Gonna search for how to code my Apex to notify me on power out...

I am sure that since they just got themselves a 22 percent raise, your quality of service will become satisfactory now. That was probably the problem worker dissatisfaction due to their meager salary's.

According to the LA time's "The av*er*age total pay of Los Angeles De*part*ment of Wa*ter and Power em*ploy*ees in 2012, $101,237, is more than 50% high*er than oth*er city em*ploy*ees, The Times found. It's also about 25% high*er than em*ploy*ees at com*par*able pub*lic and private util*it*ies, ac*cord*ing to a city re*port from last year."

Thanks Garcetti. Lets make some care packages for our justice affected when they get out of state prison!!
Tragic. Totally agree, those down times in a big city are way too long! Thanks for sharing the nightmare, makes me want to revisit my power backup strategy, currently non-existent :(. Gonna search for how to code my Apex to notify me on power out...

Your Apex, by itself and without backup power, will only be able to notify you when power is restored. The use of battery backups can allow it to tell you when it fails.

Additionally, the Heartbeat feature in Fusion will tell you if contact is lost with your Apex for a certain amount of time. I'm not sure how long, but I think the trigger point is under an hour.
I did turn on heartbeat, but is it sending email? Where is it picking up email address?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
It's always something when it's man vs. nature. I hate this thread and I hate all these greedy utilities. Not one of them (electricity, gas, water, trash, cable etc) is better then the other and they could care less. If you make a mistake they punish you asap, if they make a mistake it's "deal with it". I think it was better before deregulation as now there seems to be no accountability since you're stuck with them. However, when you allow competition between companies that offer the same product like cell phones they bend over backwards to get your business and to keep it

Dave, as you know, I'm available for whatever you need if possible.
Yes utility companies suck big time. I have Edison and they raise rates every year.
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LADWP is greedy joke

LADWP is greedy joke

Not only do their execs get paid much more than other city execs, but they have built how many new reservoirs in the past 50+ years here in Southern California to deal with drought?......none. And I think I recall hearing that the reservoirs they do manage have become contaminated due to mismanagement.
So sorry to hear about your terrible losses, Dave!
Could not have happened to a more passionate and helpful reefer. His tank is legendary. The best homage I can do for Dave is to look closely and learn some lessons.

@ Dave I just fragged a huge colony of pink boobies which are now healing. You are welcome to which ever frag you'd like on the house

E-Hate on Utilities: Didn't they just get a raise? We are sending things (and soon people) to Mars and have 12+ billion $ aircraft carriers, why are basic living expenses so high?

I'm a shareholder of this great nation with 12 billion $ aircraft carriers and I'd like some of my basic living expenses a little cheaper and more reliable. End Rant.
You'll feel much better as soon as it is wired in. Like a load lifted off your shoulders. At least thats how we felt when our 20k went in. It's great and the peace or mind alone is well worth the investment. Sorry for your losses :(