I've been in the hobby since the day I was born (Dad had an Oscar tank in the nursery). That was 5 decades ago and I have no problem I admit to being an addict.
I love my fish. I have a 400g SPS Display tank, that's part of an 1100g outdoor SPS system (build thread in the Large Tank Forum) and I also have a 90g planted tank.
My yard has an accumulation of tanks that I collected always dreaming of having more and more tanks throughout the house (which wife approves of). From 15g to 780g.
For me I have no problem finding more and more fish that I would like to take up residence under my roof.
And it has always just baffled me when I see people posting threads called "Help Me Stock My Tank" "Or What Fish Should I Get". Whether a nano or a 500g custom install - and you don't know what fish you want??
Here is the current stock list of my 400g Display tank. This is only what's in the 400g display and does not include the fish in the other 700g's of the system.
If you have questions about any of my fish, feel free to ask. This isn't a new collection. It's just kind of reached its peak.... What's left you might ask?
Well, there is always plenty of room for more small blennies and gobies. And I would like to get 1 or more Interruptus. And when available I will try once again to make Colini's part of my collection.
You can always try to double check my list by watching the tank on the webcam.
www.o2manyfish.com/webcam --- Aquarium lights come on at 5pm PST and 11am on the weekends.
Dave B
I love my fish. I have a 400g SPS Display tank, that's part of an 1100g outdoor SPS system (build thread in the Large Tank Forum) and I also have a 90g planted tank.
My yard has an accumulation of tanks that I collected always dreaming of having more and more tanks throughout the house (which wife approves of). From 15g to 780g.
For me I have no problem finding more and more fish that I would like to take up residence under my roof.
And it has always just baffled me when I see people posting threads called "Help Me Stock My Tank" "Or What Fish Should I Get". Whether a nano or a 500g custom install - and you don't know what fish you want??
Here is the current stock list of my 400g Display tank. This is only what's in the 400g display and does not include the fish in the other 700g's of the system.
If you have questions about any of my fish, feel free to ask. This isn't a new collection. It's just kind of reached its peak.... What's left you might ask?
Well, there is always plenty of room for more small blennies and gobies. And I would like to get 1 or more Interruptus. And when available I will try once again to make Colini's part of my collection.
You can always try to double check my list by watching the tank on the webcam.
www.o2manyfish.com/webcam --- Aquarium lights come on at 5pm PST and 11am on the weekends.
Dave B