New member
Hey there fellow RC members. I'm an FSO, repair tech, and Salesman at a scuba shop here in northern FL. I've been working at the shop for a few months now and I've been somewhat surprised by the fact that no one ever even offers to tip. So, I figured I'd throw the question out there: Do you tip for FSO's? It an occurence that seems to happen every single day: we do air fills and partial pressure nitrox fills on everything from 3AL 80's to Double Steels, analyze the tanks, and then lug those heavy suckers out the the parking lot and load em into a car or truck. You'd think every now and again, a customer would offer to throw a few bucks you're way but for some reason it never happens. We've even got a few in particular that will bring 12-18 steel 120's at a time and ask for a 39% mix. Carrying all those tanks is never fun and just filling them can take up to 2 hours. No tip, and sometimes not even a thank you! Don't get me wrong, I love my job but I'm curious to see what people elsewhere do.