DOC Skimmer 9000 series


New member

I was wondering if there is an updated expected release date for the DOC 9000 series skimmers that are listed in the InterZoo information on your website. I currently have a Red Sea Berlin Turbo and it is just not doing the job IMO. I am kicking around other brands, but your unit appears to be nice and compact and would not require me to modify the baffle system in my sump. I have a 75 tank with about a 20 gallon guge and around 14 gallon sump. I was thinking of the 9005. Also, do you have a rough estimate on MSRP as well? Thanks for any info you can provide.

I would get the 9010 since the 9005 is not equipped for a sump- that will cost extra on that model. I believe MSRP is listed on the flyer from Interxoo you download at the site. I am out of flyers but remember the 9005 being about $250 and the 9010 being about $330 I think you would be very pleased with either one but at the time the idea was for them to be modular so you could upgrade through the range and the most basic model was the 9005 and that was in tank only and required an upgrade for sump use. The 9010 has more performance and dual use.
No, we made another design change and further testing is required and since the test involves the effect of corraline algae on parts, it takes a few months to finish the test. The current target date is February.