Does anyone have a ritteri and a rose anemone in the same tank?


Active member
I just came back from Neptune Aquatics and bought an awesome green Magnifica. This thing must be at least 15"-18" when fully expanded. I almost passed it up as I know better than to buy wild caught ritteri's, however, as I'm leaving the store, I asked Robert how long he's had it. He says around 1-2 weeks so I say cool. Next thing he says is that he was brought in from a reefer who had it for over 2 years. Now, I do a complete 180 and figured it was worth it. It has bright green tentacles with a purple base. Anyways, I have a rose in my tank now and was wondering if there would be any allelopathy between the two anemones. Thanks guys and gals.
Woa, I think I just answered my own question. I just turned on the lights and see that my rose is splitting. Coincidence? I think not but who knows?
I've got both and honestly my rbta has not been happy over the last few months while my ritteri has done well. If I can get the rbta out without hurting it, then I plan on selling it. Anyway feel free to post pics of that ritteri whenever you get a chance, it sounds like we have similar color anemones!
I've got both in the same system without issue but they aren't in the same tank but they share a common sump and the same water.
I had many anemones together of various species. On the whold, when Magnifica is in the tank, other anemone tend not to do really well in the long term. I am not 100% sure that this is due to the Magnifica. There are various people on the board who keep Magnifica with other anemones.
The specific combination of Magnifica with BTA I have had together. Nobody died but the BTA keep on deviding and never get bigger than a few inches. I removed all the BTA but there is on quarter size BTA in the rock I cannot remove. He seem OK but I would not consider him doing great.
Interesting observations. I'm really curious why my rose would split the same day I added the magnifica. I still believe the ritteri had something to do with it. I'll get some pics up later today when the lights turn on.
Having more than one species can come w/ allelopathy, and I would for sure be running carbon.
Now if you need a new home for that ritteri, I could help you w/ that!
Post some pics!
Here's a pic I just took when the lights came on. I'm sure it will expand more throughout the day.

I've had a magnifica and a GBTA in the same tank for months now without any real issues. They initially got a bit too close and that led to the mag wandering, but once I re-arranged the rockwork to put them on separate sides of the tank with no easy path between them they have both been totally fine.

I also have a pair of pink skunk clowns, with the female claiming the magnifica and the male (for the time being) relegated to the GBTA, but that's another story.

I've had both in tanks without any visible issues on a few occasions. Currently I've got a gbta and 2 ritteris in the same system, with the gbta in the same tank as one of the ritteris. no problems that I can see.
Woa, I think I just answered my own question. I just turned on the lights and see that my rose is splitting. Coincidence? I think not but who knows?

I'd bet it's coincidence.

How many threads do you see about other anemones splitting as often as RBTAs ?

And the chance of the Ritteri doing anything but trying to cope with the move for the first day is pretty small.

I've had both together without issue many times.
Thanks guys. Currently the ritteri is perched on the tallest rock and has not wandered. I think he's getting plenty of light and doesn't seem to be stretching up so not sure if that's a good sign or not. Flow is plentiful as I have a pair of mp10's on reef crest mode.
i've got 2 magnificas , one new gig and 8 BTA's, rose and green in the same tank. All have been doing well for the past 6 months or so (when i got my 1st mag). BTAs are growing and splitting as normal.