Does anyone know about dosing iodine?


Its rumored that dosing iodine to your reef tank is beneficial to most soft corals and zoanthids. I have heard of people dosing lugols into their tanks. Has anyone ever dosed povidone iodine aka betadine solution? Active ingredients: povidone-iodine 10% (1% available iodine). Inactive ingredients are: citric acid, dibasic sodium phosphate, glycerin, nonoxymol-9, purified water, and sodium hydroxide. I'm wondering how much to dose into my 30 gallon soft coral tank. Any info and suggestions are welcomed. Thanks!
Between the sodium phosphate and nonoxymol-9 (surfacant...acts like soap) I wouldn't be putting that in my tank. If you want to try a cheap readily available iodine source, plain old drug store Tincture of Iodine is safe to use in small doses. Usual dose is 1 drop per 10 gallons. Might be worthwhile if you have gorgonians, otherwise probably not worth it.
It's one of those things you don't worry about. It's part of your trace elements anyway so its in there with water changes or if your using 2-part with trace elements in it. Sometimes we over think in this hobby which just takes us down this long indeterminate road. For example I..... once had a plenum. :uhoh3:
I never really dosed iodine nor mag. until recently. I tested for both and they were very low. I bought Dr.Gsiodine and a Dr.Gs magnesium.

I wanted to get the the lugols but #1 it was way more expensive and too concentrated for what my taste. I use lugols mostly when I frag, not to dose.

The Dr.Gs is pretty easy to dose. 5mL every 3-4 days for 50g of water.

Both mag and iodine pretty easy to dose. Good luck
It's one of those things you don't worry about. It's part of your trace elements anyway so its in there with water changes or if your using 2-part with trace elements in it. Sometimes we over think in this hobby which just takes us down this long indeterminate road. For example I..... once had a plenum. :uhoh3:

x2, used to dose iodine/potassium/strontium/you name it and never really noticed much days just keeping it simple with kalkwasser & 2part w/Mg and having much more success with a lot less headache of dosing and testing 6 different things
It's one of those things you don't worry about. It's part of your trace elements anyway so its in there with water changes or if your using 2-part with trace elements in it. Sometimes we over think in this hobby which just takes us down this long indeterminate road. For example I..... once had a plenum. :uhoh3:

water changes! Period. Then alk/cal/mg to taste. simple recipe. just dont skimp on either of mentioned, keep them stable.

KISS- keep it simple stupid, :lolspin::hammer:
Hey Eddie, thanks for the input. I am sticking to your advice. I change 5 gallons weekly out of my biocube 29. I think weekly 5 gallon water changes keep everything good since I have not tested my levels for awhile. Ive got new test kits coming in this week so I can monitor my levels and keep them in check. Calc, Alk, Mag, and Phosph.