Does eggcrate kill shimmer lines?


Cancer Sucks
I asked this on the Tucson/SV forum, but thought I'd get your input as well.

For those of you that have eggcrate covering your tank (e.g. to keep wrasses) do you still get shimmer lines from the lights?
It is more about how much the surface of the water is moving - the egg crate won't interfere.
Kirsten and aztbs, thanks for the responses. So it turns out to be a silly question? :) I can't think for the life of me where I heard that, but it's good news since I'm likely getting two fairy wrasses next week, but didn't want to lose my shimmer lines.
Not a silly question - it is always hard to know what to believe on here. :) The egg crate does "dim" the light just a bit and will collect a little salt creep in places but it is worth it. I don't have wrasses, but my little clown is a jumpy thing. Good luck with the wrasses