Does Stylophora dislike some Pocillos?


New member
Anybody have trouble keeping Stylophora with some Pocilloporas (or other corals for that matter)?

I've noticed a slow decline with mine once I added an unusual Pocillo about 7 or 8 months ago. (In the middle of that time period it survived a near tank crash after which I thought I'd loose it overnight but it kept going. The decline/tissue recession began before this incident though. It may be my imagination but it seemed to recede faster when I'd neglected to add carbon for a few weeks.)
Mine get along: I'm pocillopora damicornis with a pink stylophora. But the stylophora hasn't grown as much as I'd wish.
More, watch out for montipora next to poci; that caused my problems, a really annoyed monti.
An old photo of the Pocillo in question
I've never met that variety. It certainly is an impressive one. Looks almost pagoda-ish.