Does your Young'n have their own tank?


Do you have a youngster in your household with their own salt water aquarium?

If you do, then we have some free clownfish and beginners corals for your child.

Child must be preset to pick and collect what "THEY" want for "THEIR" tank. This is not an opportunity for Mommy & Daddy to pick up some freebies for their tank.

This is in support of kids tanks only.

The clown fish we have available are 'imperfect' designer clowns. They had twisted backs, lion faced gills, are stubbies, and other assorted issues. But the fish are happy and clean and healthy.

There are no strings attached. No adoption fees. Just some freebies for the kids.

Located in Encino - Where the 405/101 cross.

Dave B

2023-04-26 10.04.21.jpg
Very cool of you. My daughter is dying for her own tank but shes 8 and needs to save up some more birthday money. I almost might be secretly hoping she doesn't get into the hobby for her future adult-self's pocket book and sanity :)

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