Doing it right this time-210 Peninsula Tank Madison WI


New member
I had my first reef tank in high school 2005. It was a used 75 gallon that I unknowingly paid way to much for. Months of planning and experimenting led to a decent tank. A short time later I started to work at a LFS and my interest exploded. I bought a 210 gallon tank and did the best i could with it. It was a beautiful tank but I left for college in 2008 and it had to come down.

I moved to Madison WI to finish college and live with my brothers. We purchased a home to avoid the cost of renting and have started to finish our basement. I knew this was my opportunity to do the tank that I always wanted. I've been planning this for months now and have neared the point of saltwater soaked floors.

My setup is as follows barring no last second changes.

210 AGA
75 gallon Refugium/Frag
40 gallon Sump
ASM G3 Skimmer
Laing X10 Pump (Basically a Vortech t4, which arent made anymore. Commonly used for hot tubs)
Korallin c10002

Display Lights
3-250 Watt AquaMedic reef cube ballasts
3-250 watt HQI Reflectors
3-250 watt Ushio 10000K

Neptune Apex
2-Ph probes
2-Temp probes
1-ORP Probe

Spectra pure 90GPD with DI
Spectra Pure ATO

Refugium/Frag Lights
2-150 watt HQI MH

2-Tunze 6105

Ill Put pics of my progress in the next post. Please be as critical as possible (be nice). I want to perfect my plan before i pass the point of no return.






the 210 is currently in my brothers room being used as a laundry bin. I need some input one a couple things.
-Glass drillbits where can i find a good cheap bit on line for 1" and 1.5" bulkheads
-overflow-ideas. I am planning on two 1.5 inch bulkheads on the back wall with and overflow box installed. What do you think i should use for overflow box material?
-returns- instead of drilling return holes i was planning on running lines over the top of tank and putting downspouts in the far end of the tank pointed towards the back wall and overflow.
-Calcium reactor- the ca reactor is massive for my tank. Im wondering if there are disadvantages to using such a large ca reactor on a "larger" tank.

Thanks guys
I have the same skimmer. You're going to enjoy it.

The build plan looks good so far and I'll be around to see how this progresses.
one problem/update-I was programming the apex for various temp alerts just to finish all the basic protocol for when i finally get the tank up. During this process the V1/V2 port (variable speed/dimmer port) started smoking. I neptune an email and gave them a call. Apparently it is the epoxy not the components. They were great, they are sending me a shipping label for return and replacement. And they gave me a 15% off on an order so thumbs up for handling the problem!!
another question does anybody know why the DI media on my ro unit (pictured above) is two colors. I was under the impression that it changed colors when i was depleted. Not two colors in the beginning
Bulk Reef Supply has their 12% off coupon for thanksgiving. So went ahead and bought loc line for my returns on the far end of the tank. bulk heads for the sump refuge and tank. drill bits to drill each of the above. heaters. co2 regulator. and the overflow box. i was going to make my own but the black acrylic will look sharp. so grabbed it.

I also bought the acrylic and egg crate for my sump's partitions. I will post some pics of those builds.
i finished the sump. very basic design. that is a bubble trap leading to the return section. The refuge will drain into the other end along with a display tank drain. Im almost done with the fuge, i will post some pictures of it later tonight.

Here is the refuge its two 1" bulkheads with an overflow. This will be at the far end of the stand overflowing into the sump. Im deciding if i want to put a DSB in half of it. I was thinking of making a partition at two foot of the tank. about 12" high. so half the tank would have a 12 inch sand bed and the remaining would have live rock rubble and macro algae. what are you thoughts?


I'd like to know how those ballasts work out for you. I have three but I'm not quite to the point of installing them yet. Did you have to purchase the pigtails separately like I did?
Please let me know...

I have only tested them, not actually run the on the tank. I am running the ballasts remotely in a closet next to the tank for humidity reasons and extra room. So i needed to run the cords from the ballasts to the bulbs. I tested them with a 18 foot cord between ballast and bulb and they worked great. I have read that its a max of like 6 feet but i called the manufacturer and they said to use a thick gauge wire. So i did so and they fired right up. The pigtails came with my ballasts which i wasnt expecting.

the pic below is the closet i have the ballasts in. the cords are run through the wall to the tank stand.

when i get the tank up and running i will give a little bit better review reef tank/StandRS.jpg
the closet is in the corner you can kind of see it in the far corner with the drywall lift in it. its about 18 from the tank
finished the refuge/DSB. I put a partition at the half way point in the tank 12 inches high. so the far end is the DSB and the other half will be live rock and macro algae.

Just to clarify the partition is a sheet of acrylic and a piece of egg crate for more structural support. the black dost are just to hold the two pieces together better.


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also managed to get the back up float valve for the auto top off hooked up. It will be connected to a pressure switch and electronic shut off valve.
Drilling almost done. drilled one drain on the main display tank. 1.5 inch bulkheads. just have to finish the other when my battery charges for my drill

excuse the lack of cleanliness.. three brothers living together with no mom in the house tends to lead to this



Drilling station
