Doing it right this time-210 Peninsula Tank Madison WI

latest update..
I installed a ventilation bathroom fan in the back of stand area. I am going to put a set of fans in the far end of the tank that will suck air in from outside of the stand and blow across the water towards the exhaust fan.

also i insulated the stand for noise purposes and put fiberglass paneling around most of the interior.. finishing tomorrow. my intent is to make a fairly well sealed stand that will contain the moisture to the air inside. so I can put a dehumidifier near the vent on the tank.






made some progress last night. I finished insulating the stand, running electric lines, ro lines. doing the plumbing tonight along with painting anti mold sealant to concrete and all exposed wood.




I mocked up my drain manifold. I have two 1.5 drains from the display come in then a drain with a valve that will have a filter sock, then finally a drain that will flow to the refugium

This is the intake vent i put in the end of the tank.(there will be a painted plywood cover with a hole cut for the vent covering the whole area, thats why it isn't all painted. I have this and the exhaust fan hooked up to a plug. I will put a fan in this vent hole pointed at the tank. So these two fans hooked up to the apex will turn on when the temp rises to a certain point.

I finished the stand entirely now. I am waiting for the paint to dry so i can install the sump and refuge, then install the drain manifold. then put the display in. once thats in i will finalize the end vent with a fan, install the return line, then finish the stand with oak trim and doors. of course between now and then i need to finish drywall in the basement. yayy i hate drywall.




All right so i have made some progress. I have finished the stand, installed the sumps, installed the drain manifold that splits the draining water to the refuge and the sump, and then i hit a obstacle that i should have noticed/never should have happened

first ill post the pics of the updated work.
I siliconed the back of the tank black. As coraline algae will not grow on it. Im hoping that it will look somewhat natural and stay clean.

Drain manifold and sumps in.


I built the return plumbing. just waiting to get the tank in to screw it into place

I have a 1/4" line for my ca reactor, the line going to the right with the barb on it is for a carbon canister that will sit in the sump

and the lines that will be in the far end of the tank blowing towards the overlfow
Now for the problem. I built the stand months ago so i dont know what i did wrong. but as im getting ready to install the display. I put a 4 foot level on the tank and its like a quarter bubble off. it sinks about 5/8" from one end to the other. I dont know how high i was when i built the stand but is in no way level. So since i had essentially completed the stand i opted to basically shim it level.

I used 1/4" ply, 1/8" acrylic 1/16" linoleum, spray glue and 3/8" carpet padding. The entire bottom is 100% level know which ever way i measure it.