Success. Forth try.
First try was a coil denitrator with bioballs inside - flow 100 ml/minute.
No change in nitrates in output after running two months.
Second try was a coil dentritrator with ceramic rings (that is still running in my tank)- flow ~60-100 ml per minute. I swapped out the bioballs for ceramic rings. thinking higher surface area. This has been running over a month- no change in nitrates in output.
Both of these two reactors were not feed carbon, though the system (500gal)
Third try a old eheim container ~6 liter volume filled with lava rock running in a 10 gal garbage pail with flow of approx 100 ml/ minute. I am feeding this 10 gal pail with 3 ml of vinegar a day. I feed not into the reactor but the can since the volume is so low.
This has been running close to a month-
No change in nitrate of output.
4th TRY SUCCESS in less that 2 weeks! 500 gal system with nitrates ~100 ppm on 3/18.
On 3/18 I set up what worked. This is a U made of 4 inch thin PVC input water (and NOPOX) on one end output on the other end. The reactor is filled with ~ 90% pumice like material (Growstone glass GS-1 soil aerator. This stuff floats- so the top 10% is lavarock. ). The reactor is running at 100ml/min (more comments on this later). The reactor is being feed 5ml of NOPOX 10 times a day at 2-3 hr intervals using a DP-4 Jabao doser. This is what I use to dose my alk, mg, ca , and NOPOX. I simply diverted the same dose of NOPOX I was giving the tank 50 ml per day into the top of the reactor.
Input of water is from a Y from the pump that runs my carbon filter. I am regulating input volume with a fine control valve I used to use to regulate my calcium reactor- no longer do that.
Results. The first week the reactor ran steadily with the input I first dialed in. ~ 100ml/min. 3/24 NO3 output tested identical to tank.
3/26 I started noticing slowed flow and gloopy bacterial matts hanging off the output tube. I also started noticing growth of gloopy bacterial matts on structures in the sump around the output.
I had to adjust the input valve more open several times to keep flow up. I am looking at the system every day, morning and evening.
3/31 morning adjusted volume up since it was dripping instead of a stream
3/31 evening, volume is down to a drip- Test at this point.
Output is ZERO nitrates. The whole tank nitrates has gone from 100 down to 30 in 1 week. Consistent with this aglae growth in the tank is increasing. While this is counter intuitive, I think it is occuring because the bacteria in the reactor are using all of the NOPOX so that rather than the NOPOX driving competition for nutrients in the whole tank (and not that effectively), now the NOPOX is being used in the reactor.
And much more efficiently converting NO3 to N2 since I had been running 50 ml per day NOPOX for months in my tank without it reducing my nitrate levels. Just diverting the NOPOX to hit the reactor seems to be driving the reduction in nitrates. The parallele reactor running in the tank (try #2 ) does nothing to reduce nitrates.
First photo is device (try two in front, try 4 in back)
Second photo is test
left to right
water from 3-24 / tank water today / output try 4 / / 0 ppm / 20 ppm /50 ppm /100 ppm