Dorm RO/ human comsumption


New member
i havent done a test on it but im pretty sure the dorm water is enough to tranquilize a fricken horse but my ? is can i run my RO/DI water and drink it? i read on another forum u can drink RO water but not DI? id prefer a politically correct answer not "yea sure what harm could it do" especially since i have the stomach of an infant (yes i know take the activia challenge ;)) ...let me know
the eonly concerns i've heard regarding drinking de-ionized water was the lack of essential trace elements in teh water, and that drinking only or primarially DI water coule lead to depletion of these elements in your body.

of course this was from a plumber, not a doctor, so YMMV
I've heard that since it has nothing but pure h20, it will cause some minerals to leach from your body. Of course, that may be pure BS. Activia!
it tastes like crap but its fine to drink. saying that it will leach minerals out of your body is kinda of crazy. about 99% of the vitamins and minerals we get are from our food not water. this is an old myth that never seems to go away.
I have drank tons of RO water and would also drink RODI if I had it. My tanks have seemd to be happy with the RO so I havn't bothered to add the DI.
Well therotically, drinking DI water could in fact harm you... not sure about RO water though. The reasoning behind this is that since DI water is pure H20, the concentration gradient between that and the cells of your body is in favor of absorbtion since the cells are less pure H20, and this is bad because it can expand the cells enough to burst the cell wall if the gradient existed for long enough (ie you drank a LOT). However, im not sure that a person would be drinking enough of it to make a difference anyways. You could always be safe and mix the DI/RO water with the equal amount of tap water... it has to be better for you than the school water since its only 1/2 as much stuff and there should still be enough crap in it to prevent any gradient. Hope this answers your ?
I drank RODI for over 2yrs with no problems. I love the taste. Newark water tastes like raw sewage to me(and they add so much stuff you wouldn't believe it!!.... protect your precious bodily fluids
RO and RODI should have NO taste what so ever.
I debated about the mineral thing for a while. The logic seems sound to me, but realistically, you stomach is pretty consistently filled with crap to make the water non pure pretty quick. None the less, about 6mo ago I put a splitter in so that I am only drinking RO. The DI stage is a final filter for my fish water only now. I figure 1) this saves money in the long run by not using my resin as fast and 2)given womens issues with things like osteoporosis (my GF drinks it as well) it was better to be safe than sorry and have any mineral content be leached.
In the end I cant taste the difference between my RO and RODI... this reminds me, its time to change my filters....
RO no problem, DI nope.
If you look into it a lot further, the DI will cause problems down the road. First the mineral factor, since it's not overly stable (to us) in providing minerals and electrolytes the chances it'll effect your bowels and intestines is chancey, different for each person when and if this will happen.
This in turn leads to the amount of fluids lost as the secondary reaction, again, different for each person.

Ask any doctor and they'll tell you that DI water is like an accident waiting to happen when it comes to human consumption. Because of whats being evacuated is most likely close to double what your intaking (or close to it), eventually your likely to see considerable mineral depletion.

I too argued this point a while ago and thought the effects could only be minimal at best but as was explained to me, "if and when the mineral depletion gets depleted, all sorts of things in your body try to react to compensate for the losses." "One of the major organs is your heart which is heavily reliant on oxygen and minerals."

Sorry but on this one I trust an MD much more than I'd trust someone who had a few years of Marine Biology or even a degree in it.

While it is true that most of our vitamins and minerals do come from our food, that is also co-dependant on your immune system and level of health. For instance, to someone who may have an undiscovered health condition this could prove disastrous.

I'm not suggesting it's going to kill you but I wouldn't drink it as my staple liquid either.

And having tried it, I can tell you it's totally unsatisfying in both taste and fill up factor.

RO is 100% safe. And you can taste it.
DI water removes the florides the water company adds. There goes the teeth. If you dont like the taste of the dorm water, just use a carbon filter on it to remove the gunk. that leaves the good minerals that make it taste better. but also the nitrates if any.