Dosing Pump & Containers + Frag Racks + 60" T5/LED Bulb


Active member
Marine Color Dosing Pump & 2 Seaside 2.5L Dosing Containers --- $60 for all
Noticed some crazing/cracks on the containers when I was cleaning. They didn't leak when I had them in the tank I recently sold. Filled them up with water while cleaning and didn't see any leaks neither.

Acrylic Frag racks
$30 for larger one
$10 each for the smaller ones
$40 if taking all three

Euroaquatics E5 T5/LED bulb - 60" all blue pop. I didn't even use it. $50
Here are the dimensions for the racks

The larger one is 21” x 9 3/4”
Smaller ones are 11 1/4” x 2 3/4”
Also have these if anyone is interested...

Innovative Marine 25g Fusion Lagoon Tank. 3 mos old. $175

AI Hydra (Not 52 or HD) with the AI Director to control remotely on phone - $130 for both.
Some of the LEDs are burnt as see in pic but still works pretty good. I prefer to sell as a set.
