Dosing Vinegar

Mike- i just re read this whole thread. Ive been keeping reef tanks for over 20 years. and have never had to use methods other than the simple, and basic ones.

Im not against carbon dosing as many have had great success with it BUT: have you tried the basic and truly tested methods of 30% water changes, GFO and carbon first.?

Again im not opposed to their methods but you seem to just want to continue following the latest craze as opposed to following true methods proven for decades.

Biopellets came and went, carbon dosing is also a newonce. Not an unworthy one imho but only after the true and proved methods have succumb.

Youve seen my tank. All i do is regulat water changes and gfo, and carbon, PERIOD.

I want to say thanks for reading the whole thread and I value your opinion for sure. Your beautiful tank speaks for itself. I still use GFO and carbon. I change it every 2-3 weeks. I do a 20% WC every 3 weeks, lately it been more though. I use a brs doser for vinegar, so it simple and consistent.

I want to make this hobby goal to to get rid of expensive GFO altogether and bring nitrates down via carbon dosing. Im moving in that direction very slowly. Ill keep updating on this thread and keep ya posted.
i've been dosing vinegar now for over a year with good results. my goal was to control no3 and it has worked. i stopped for about 2 months because i thought it was affecting my sps'. however, my sps' were still not doing well when i stopped dosing and my no3 shot-up. now my sps' are doing great(lighting change) and i'm back to dosing vinegar. my no3 is ~2.5 ppm(going lower i hope) and po4 is at 0.00 ppm. no gfo and i'm still harvesting macro from my fug.
Hey Mike I was wondering what template you were using for recommended dosage?

That template is a good start.

I read few threads and i started with about 30mls. Im steadily increasing until the nitrates and phosphates come down. Im ready to bump to 60mls soon. Once nutrient get close to zero, I will start using less GFO, and hopefully eliminate one more expense and reactor to clean.

Depending on your load, wcs, refugium,and other nutrient exports, will determine how much to use.

I would not want to go over .5ml of vinegar per gallon tank water. I figure im at about .2ml per gallon now.

If your going to start, as the other threads have stated, get your nitrates down to about 10ppm or lower first via WCs
Any updates?

I have continued to dose.. right now I am at .25 ml of Vinegar to a gallon SW..

I have had favorable results.. the little bit of algae I had is almost all gone.. and I am feeding pretty heavily.. and have a pretty high fish bio load for a 40g..

wondering how it has been for you Biggs?
Question to all the vinegar dosers out there: I read on an article to start dosing at 15 ml per day. Is that the correct about?

I'm currently running a bp reactor and gfo but im still battling algae, bryopsis.

My setup is:

DT of approx 115 gallons
Sump of about 35 gallons

I appreciate the help.
Any updates?

I have continued to dose.. right now I am at .25 ml of Vinegar to a gallon SW..

I have had favorable results.. the little bit of algae I had is almost all gone.. and I am feeding pretty heavily.. and have a pretty high fish bio load for a 40g..

wondering how it has been for you Biggs?

Still dosing, im up to about 65mls daily.

nitrates @ .5
phosphates@ .1

May be upping dose soon. I am feeding more too.

Question to all the vinegar dosers out there: I read on an article to start dosing at 15 ml per day. Is that the correct about?

I'm currently running a bp reactor and gfo but im still battling algae, bryopsis.

My setup is:

DT of approx 115 gallons
Sump of about 35 gallons

I appreciate the help.

Kill bryopsis by bringing mag up to about 1500-1600 with Kents Tech M

Add more snails and crabs for algae

Use chart in forum for dosage

Good Luck