double/multiple exposures with DSLR?


Alleged Lounge Moron
newbie to DSLR, but fairly old hand at SLR.
I have in the past done a few cool things with multiple exposures on 35mm film, can such a thing be done with these new fangled gadgets?

I have a canon XT (350?)

didn't see an answer in the manual, maybe I missed it


Yep, in photoshop would be your best bet. It even gives way more flexibility for your DE since you can control the positioning of the layers and change the transparency too.

If you are not familiar with layers in PS, no worries. Just open both photos in PS, go to one of the photos (the one on the bottom) and do select all (Ctrl + A) -> copy -> go to the 2nd image -> paste.
As far as I know none of the Canon cameras have the option for multiple exposures, Nikon I believe on at least one of their higher end DSLRs has the option on camera but I've never read much on it :D.

Like has been already posted - most people use some type of photo-editing program to just combine the images. If you know how to work with layers in PS it usually isn't too difficult depending on what you're trying to do.

Although, I would like to see the option for doing on camera - I've seen some very cool things done in 35mm with multiple exposures! :D
Whats the overall outcome of the photo? Is it a kind of HDR photo? If so, just shoot in RAW and combine a couple different exposure in photoshop or the freeware photostitch.
thanks for the answers!
one more reason to get off my wallet & buy photoshop....

I don't have a specific outcome in mind, just wanted to explore my options