Well, it finally happened. The transfer is complete!
Before you flame me about the fish, let me qualify that the mystery wrasse and sailfish blenny both wedged themselves in boulders and my only options were to move them in to the new tank or kill them in the process of getting them out of the respective holes. I tried everything, including setting the rock on a table out of water to see if they would wiggle out, to no avail. Once they had made it in the tank, the whole fallow bit went out the window. (As of last night both fish were out swimming and eating).
Yesterday morning started with the four kids performing in the church's rendition of the live nativity. It was beautiful, and I took the opportunity to pray hard for the day's events to follow.
As soon as we got home, I immediately went to work on getting the starboard in place, which was not easy given how buoyant it is. I had to coordinate getting it in place and then have my wife or son hold it down with a piece of PVC while I placed a large enough rock on it.
Once the starboard was in, I started placing the new "dead" rock, which I had cooked in muriatic acid, in the tank. The first island to the left and a few other pieces are new rock additions. They will be easy to identify as they are very white... I then started moving over established rock and corals. As you read above, two fish had made the move unexpectedly, so I caught and acclimated the rest of the fish. I also chiseled off the orange galaxia from its residency on one of the largest rocks. It was killing everything around it. I was able to get it off in one piece (sand a few Frags) and it now resides on the floor, where it can be happy without harming its neighbors. Same goes for the space invader pectina.
When all was said and done, we had made the complete move, including emptying the 187 and moving it to the garage by 11:00pm. I had several accidental frags, which I gave to a friend along with the two bubble tip anemones.
I'm happy with how the aquascape turned out and am glad to have made it to this point. I'm sure there will be quite abbot of fine tuning over the coming days/weeks, but overall the tank is as expected. I cannot say enough about how supportive my wife and kids were yesterday and leading up to this point.
Here is a closeup of how the ATI's are mounted.
This configuration allows for plenty of airflow for the ATI fans.
And a couple of shots during the move.
And the finished product:
It's hard to make out the aquascape from the photos, but I am very pleased with how it worked out. I'll upload some better photos over the coming days as the water clears up.
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