downsizing. need help


New member
I finally got my current 2006 24 gallon nano cube in today. So now I need to ask these questions..

I want to do a nice clean transfer from my 75 reef to my 24. Most of the 75 reef will be going to my dads office but a portion I want to keep in a nano.

What I need to know is can I do a basic water change of 24 gallons from my 75 and put that straight into my 24 or would that be too much of a water change on the 75?

Last thing is the live sand. Can I just take the sand I need from my 75 or should I get new sand? I have plenty in my 75 but I don't want to do something I'm not supposed to.

Once I get the sand/water/rock I need into the nano I will run it for a few days to a week to make sure everything is how it should be so I can transfer what I want from my 75 and then take that tank to my dads office.

Thanks for responces. I could really use the help before I kill something I don't want to.
a 33% WC is not too much, and I would add new sand to nano--add existing rock from 75 and give it a couple of days before adding animals--maybe fish first--feed sparingly and test NO2.
Someone said to get new sand but to use some of my top layer of sand to "seed" the rest. How does this sound? also how much sand to use????