Dr tims waste away


New member
Hello all, i bought the dr tims waste away to see if i can finally clear all the white slime on the tank that apparently doesn't wanna go away. My question is the instructions are a bit confusing and don't want to make a mistake, it says start with half a dose and already did and it says slowly waiting a minimum of 48hrs between dosings, build up to the maximun dosage over a week or two. Ok but if i keep reading at the end it says use once per week, that confuses me, anyone can chime in that has use this product before, i dont want to harm amything in my tank. Thanks
Use it once or twice a week...Its not something you need to be super cautious using....
Its just bacteria in a bottle...no biggie..
It's bacteria but be careful. If you dose too much or too often you will get a bloom, cloudy water and low oxygen. I've seen sudden fish death when it caused a sudden drop in O2
I'd wait a week.

I dose once a week after water changes. I keep my skimmer off for about 6 hours. My water starts clouding up so I get it back on at that point.

Same goes for refresh and ecobalance
Thank u for the responses, dr tims said to turn the skimmer of for 12-24 hrs...it's been 6 and idk why but the slime has come back with a vengeance, it's worst:deadhorse1:...i hope this helps and not.make.it worse. Thank u
The slime is excessive bacterial growth........Waste away is bacteria in a bottle......
Like adding gas to a fire..

Skim more...not less ;)
The slime is excessive bacterial growth........Waste away is bacteria in a bottle......
Like adding gas to a fire..

Skim more...not less ;)

Lol thank you i did turn the skinmer on already, don't think that 12-24hr wait is good really, well depends on what u using the waste away for i guess.
I woke up today and this thing is just ridiculuos,looks worst than before, is like the waste away is helping the bacteria to grow instead of the other way around, is it supposed to be like that at the beggining? Or i just have bad luck? Anyone that can chime in would be appreciated, i'm done with this i'm really tired of this c*** that i have ne er had before in any of my tanks.
Hello all, i bought the dr tims waste away to see if i can finally clear all the white slime on the tank that apparently doesn't wanna go away. My question is the instructions are a bit confusing and don't want to make a mistake, it says start with half a dose and already did and it says slowly waiting a minimum of 48hrs between dosings, build up to the maximun dosage over a week or two. Ok but if i keep reading at the end it says use once per week, that confuses me, anyone can chime in that has use this product before, i dont want to harm amything in my tank. Thanks

:fish1: Hi Gaby, the instructions you showed, says to start with a half dose, then increase the dosage every 2 days until you increase it to a full dose, then after that is accomplished, dose a full dose once a week. Example - start 1/2 dose, 2days later 3/4 dose, 2 more days full dose, next full dosage 1 week later, then continue with the full dosage once a week until your problem is solved. Hope this helps, follow the instructions, as everybody's system and problems are different. :fish1:
:fish1: Hi Gaby, the instructions you showed, says to start with a half dose, then increase the dosage every 2 days until you increase it to a full dose, then after that is accomplished, dose a full dose once a week. Example - start 1/2 dose, 2days later 3/4 dose, 2 more days full dose, next full dosage 1 week later, then continue with the full dosage once a week until your problem is solved. Hope this helps, follow the instructions, as everybody's system and problems are different. :fish1:

Thank u for the instructions, i am following something like this, what is weird is that when i added the waste away the slime got worst and i wonder if it's supposed to be like that...guess time will tell
I simply followed the instructions. If you do a search on here a goggle whit snot you my find my old thread about it. It was a while ago.
I went through your other threads. You've been dealing with this for a while now.....

Something is driving the bacteria in your system. I read that your tank is pretty new. We need to figure out what's in your routine that feeding the bacteria.
What salt are you using? Have you tried a different salt?
Thank u for the instructions, i am following something like this, what is weird is that when i added the waste away the slime got worst and i wonder if it's supposed to be like that...guess time will tell
:fish1: Hi are you using a protein skimmer, carbon, or GFO, what is your water temp, and what are you using for circulation? :fish1:
I went through your other threads. You’ve been dealing with this for a while now.....

Something is driving the bacteria in your system. I read that your tank is pretty new. We need to figure out what’s in your routine that feeding the bacteria.
What salt are you using? Have you tried a different salt?

I started using first oceanic, now i switched to instant ocean, i wondrer if that can be the problem? Haven't thought about it really
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