Dr tims waste away

:fish1: Hi are you using a protein skimmer, carbon, or GFO, what is your water temp, and what are you using for circulation? :fish1:

Yes i've been using a swc mini s cone skimmer, it does it's job pretty well, no carbon, no gfo, water temp is steadily at 76°, circulation i have a 700gph pump, forgot the brand.
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Your water is now clear?

Just slime growth on surfaces?

Yes water is clear, slime growth is pretty much everywhere now, usually i use a tube and a filter sock to clean the tank manually of the slime, but after a couple of hours is back again...but if i didn't do that oh boy i wouldn't even want to see how my tank would look like.
Yes i've been using a swc mini s cone skimmer, it does it's job pretty well, no carbon, no gfo, water temp is steadily at 76°, circulation i have a 700gph pump, forgot the brand.

:fish1: I would try using carbon and GFO, can't hurt, and it may help to cure the problem. This may be a bacterial or nutrient problem, so the GFO and carbon would help if it is a nutrient problem. :fish1:
:fish1: I would try using carbon and GFO, can't hurt, and it may help to cure the problem. This may be a bacterial or nutrient problem, so the GFO and carbon would help if it is a nutrient problem. :fish1:

Thank u i will look into that, right now i'm just gonna do a 50% water change as it help.on the past, i really think the waste away actually help the bacteria grow more. Never been like this
Thank u i will look into that, right now i'm just gonna do a 50% water change as it help.on the past, i really think the waste away actually help the bacteria grow more. Never been like this
:fish1: I believe you are right, it is similar to Vibrant, which is also a bacteria additive, that suppose to help clean up a dirty tank. :fish1:
:fish1: I believe you are right, it is similar to Vibrant, which is also a bacteria additive, that suppose to help clean up a dirty tank. :fish1:

I think im going to give a little more time to see if it works and just siphon the tank.like twice a day and see what happens, thanks for the help i appreciate it
In the early days of my tank and occasionally when I let i get away from me, I use a super thin vinyl tube to vacuum my rockwork. Thin tubing gives you more time to vacuum without depleting as much water.
Nobody smokes in my house or vapes, or use scent candles, or any plug in freshners. To be honest this time i am really clueless as to what is causing this problem.
This is not the first time, the other like 2 times i just changed water until it got fixed but i do not know why it comes back after a while, i try to trace back my steps as to what could i be doing wrong but haven't found anything out of the normal thinks i do to the tank. Also i stop using the waste away, it clearly was helping the bacteria grow like 100x faster.