Drain question


New member
I have use the search function to find my answer and I'm surprised I could not find it here.
I have a 150 gallon tank with a 1-1/2" drain and two 3/4" returns. My goal is to run about 1000 gallons per hour. I have done my wet test and can not get the drain quiet.
I've tried the Durso and the stockman drain.
So my thought is maybe use all 3 as drains like the bean animal but how would that work with two 3/4" and one 1-1/2" which would be the full siphon? I would prefer to keep it the way it was designed for but not sure how to get it quiet.
I thought I had it with the stockman but after a few days it would gargle ever few minutes.
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
You are simply trying to flow too much water through it..
You really only need like 500gph flowing through it...
IF adjustable pump dial it down.. If not put a valve on the output and throttle it back..
Dial down until you can get it quiet with the Durso setup..

You really can't achieve a proper bean setup or anything else with the holes how they are..
Slow the flow..
You could certainly do a herbie setup with those hole sizes. You would make the 1 1/2 as your emergency, and one of the 3/4 as your siphon. Then just use the third 3/4 hole as a return with a T to split it to either side of the tank.

A Herbie is better as you have an emergency in case the siphon plugs up, you won't have a flood. With a single pipe, one snail down the pipe and you will have a flood, or a burned up return pump.

Out of curiosity, is this a center overflow tower style tank?
The overflow is in the back center. Today I went to my local reef store and they had a Maggie drain so I bought it. He was using it on all of the tanks so I figured I’ll give that a shot.