You got that right Al,
We Thank you for keeping the roll call and ride share going while I was on vacation. Your enthusiasm shows! Good job!! It looks like we have a good group of members, future members and guests and friends coming along. It should be a good trip.!
We should work up a final head count of Reefers and guests coming along for Dr. Mac. He needs a count to figure out how much PIZZA to order for lunch. Sounds like our late summer trip will luck out with some "New Source" coral stock to choose from too!. I am very much looking forward to this trip also.
So, i will start one more thread for a final head count this week. only ten days to go. And as usual, we in New Castle Co. will meet at the New Castle Library parking lot.(be aware, mapquest gives the wrong location), Next to Pet Kare in the Governors Plaza at the intersection of route 40 and route 7, big green metal roof. I will have trip maps printed up. Yous guys in Dover and other southern locales will need to organize a bit for car pools if you need to. Our target time is to arrive at Dr. Mac's between 11 and 11:30 AM. And NO tickets from the speed traps along the way. Take your time. Enjoy the beautiful pastoral Beauty of Southern Delaware along the way.
Remember, It's a RENDEVOUS, not a race.