Way to slow in here....haha..
Sooooo, question. RO/DI plumbing.
How far is the feed (red) line from you copper fitting to the RO unit?
And how far does your drain (black) line run to drain?
Currently my RO unit is in my fish room, so about 10' from my tank and 5' from my Top off holding tank. Also my drain line runs about 5' to drain.
Problem is in the winter, water incoming is SOOO cold, that the main line running to fish room will sweat as I make water for like 12hrs.
Option 1: Move RO/DI to my sump/ elctrical area, this is where my water enter house as well. Then run processed water about 60' to my fish room for TOP off & WC's. I can then run the drain (black) line to my fish room and drain it at it's current location in fish room. These runs wouldn't be too hard, currently thru exposed basement ceiling unfinished, just not sure if fine to have the good water run this far.
Option 1a.) is to run RO unit in electrical/sump area, then run water line to fish room and have the DI canister there and only a few feet from the TOP off container. Still need to run drain line 60' from sump/electrical room to the fish room. But drain line not really a big deal
Option 2. Just run the red line all the way from my sump/electrical room where the water enters the house all the way to the fish room thru basement ceiling about 60' and keep the RO/DI unit in the fish room? But not sure if the red line will sweat now? Also not sure if I'd need a larger line to RO due to length of the run?? However I could run the line in a better location so if it did sweat it's not dripping where i'd not want it or could easily wrap in some sort of insulating cover assuming they make it?