drummereef's 180g in-wall build

Brett one more idea/plan for the dinos you are dealing with I read about on another good reef site.On this site several reefers who are using bio pellets got what looks like and sounds like the stuff your dealing with. They said its Lyngbya Cyanobacteria and it thrives in low nutrient high flow tanks.The plan that seems to have worked was dosing 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for 7 days,so 1ml of Hydrogen per 10 gallons of water in the tank system.I have no experience with this treatment but I got it from a site I trust any way one more idea to look into and maybe give a try.
Brett one more idea/plan for the dinos you are dealing with I read about on another good reef site.On this site several reefers who are using bio pellets got what looks like and sounds like the stuff your dealing with. They said its Lyngbya Cyanobacteria and it thrives in low nutrient high flow tanks.The plan that seems to have worked was dosing 3% Hydrogen Peroxide for 7 days,so 1ml of Hydrogen per 10 gallons of water in the tank system.I have no experience with this treatment but I got it from a site I trust any way one more idea to look into and maybe give a try.

Thanks canyousee. I've researched that treatment quite a bit lately. Seems like there's a lot of people trying it. I don't know if I'm brave enough yet to try it myself but I've been seriously considering it. There's a couple guys that have lost fish but it wasn't totally conclusive the peroxide was to blame. I'm still researching but if you have any good links please post them. :)
Thanks canyousee. I've researched that treatment quite a bit lately. Seems like there's a lot of people trying it. I don't know if I'm brave enough yet to try it myself but I've been seriously considering it. There's a couple guys that have lost fish but it wasn't totally conclusive the peroxide was to blame. I'm still researching but if you have any good links please post them. :)


Are you sure it's Dino's?

I know hydrogen peroxide is very affective against it. From my understanding it's just like adding ozone is it not? I had always thought if you had great flow you wouldn't get cyano. I'm learning the hard way on that :dance:

It sounds like the algae strain canyousee is talking about. I've normally had cyano just stick to the sand, but I'm getting some length on a some of it that is just flailing in the flow of the water.

I just started a new thread in the chemistry forums hoping to get the smart guys involved :spin1: about bio-pellets/bacteria dosing.

Are you sure it's Dino's?

I know hydrogen peroxide is very affective against it. From my understanding it's just like adding ozone is it not? I had always thought if you had great flow you wouldn't get cyano. I'm learning the hard way on that :dance:

It sounds like the algae strain canyousee is talking about. I've normally had cyano just stick to the sand, but I'm getting some length on a some of it that is just flailing in the flow of the water.

I just started a new thread in the chemistry forums hoping to get the smart guys involved :spin1: about bio-pellets/bacteria dosing.

It's possible but I think I have a little of both. This new stuff is definitely light sensitive, fast growing, grows in slimy strands and produces bubbles on it. I'm 99% sure it's dinos. I participated in a couple threads I'll put the links below. One was specifically about Lyngbia (filamentous cyano) and the other started as a dino thread but ended up discussing Lyngbia and other forms of cyanos. Check them out and let me know what you think. :) As far as I know hydrogen peroxide does act just like ozone but without the fear of leakage.

Boomer or Randy: Need info and help on lyngbya

Dinoflagellates- mother of all battles! Help Please
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Hey Bret,
So lyngbya is back? That sucks! I will admit that I haven't follow your thread closely enough to know what you have changed recently but are you still adding bacteria? I hate to say this but why are you so obsessive with bacteria culturing? It seems to me throughout the whole time, your result with bacteria dosing is very mixed, is there any clear benefit you see worth the effort and unknown? As I always suggest to people newer to the hobby (no way calling you a newbie): A simple system is always easier to maintain, understand, more predicable and sustainable. Only get into the more advance technique with a clear objective; not as a preventive measure. For example, are you having nutrient issue to warrant continuously bacteria addition? Are you worry that without adding these Zeovit "foods" would cause any problem in your tank?

Would you consider ditching the whole Zeovit or bacteria dosing all together to see how your tank react?
Hey Bret,
So lyngbya is back? That sucks! I will admit that I haven't follow your thread closely enough to know what you have changed recently but are you still adding bacteria? I hate to say this but why are you so obsessive with bacteria culturing? It seems to me throughout the whole time, your result with bacteria dosing is very mixed, is there any clear benefit you see worth the effort and unknown? As I always suggest to people newer to the hobby (no way calling you a newbie): A simple system is always easier to maintain, understand, more predicable and sustainable. Only get into the more advance technique with a clear objective; not as a preventive measure. For example, are you having nutrient issue to warrant continuously bacteria addition? Are you worry that without adding these Zeovit "foods" would cause any problem in your tank?

Would you consider ditching the whole Zeovit or bacteria dosing all together to see how your tank react?

I think there's been some misinterpretation of my posts. :) What I currently am dealing with is a very minor issue with dinos. I'm 99% sure is dinos from my visual inspection and they way the grow etc... I believe it was brought on by my recent lighting upgrade since I didn't have any to speak of before the upgrade. I also think there is a misconception of what and how much of the Zeo and bacteria products I'm dosing and have been for the last couple months. I dose bacteria once per week usually at water changes. The Zeo products I introduced for specific applications, like the ZEOzym and Coral Snow which documented the effectiveness of those products for the acute issue I had dealt with in the past.

I think, possibly my fault not updating you guys as much as I want to, that people think I'm just constantly dumping stuff in my tank. This is certainly not the case nor would I recommend anyone doing that. I only use the products I've presented in this thread for acute issues that I might be dealing with on a short term basis.

I'm not sure if bacteria dosing has really anything to do with the onset of certain cyanos or algaes. I had a massive Lyngbia/filamentous cyano outbreak months before I ever dosed any bacteria, used bio pellets or any Zeo products. I've found if anything, the bacteria definitely keeps the growth of the the stuff limited. So the timeline I see on a daily/weekly/monthly basis is probably different from what is either presented or interpreted on here - again probably my fault not detailing as much as I'd like.

Sorry for the rant but I hope this helps clear up the confusion. :wildone:
Oh lighting issue. I see. You probably mention this earlier which I missed. :) I have a long history of anti-bacteria dosing (mostly because you can't measure and the solution that keep this bacteria in a bottle is more of an unknown so it's hard to understand what exactly we are putting into our tank along with these bacteria) so excuse my bias. :)
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Oh lighting issue. I see. You probably mention this earlier which I missed. :) I have a long history of anti-bacteria dosing (mostly because you can't measure and the solution that keep this bacteria in a bottle is more of an unknown so it's hard to understand what exactly we are putting into our tank along with these bacteria) so excuse my bias. :)

:lol: No worries. I definitely agree the "unknown" factor is definitely one of issue with me as well. The fact that the most used bacteria manufacturing companies don't list the strains etc make them really difficult to understand and effectively use. I've seen a lot of positive results from some of them but who knows if the problems that were corrected were a combination of things, not just bacteria. But, I have been limiting the frequency with my bacteria dosing lately. Like I said, it's weekly at this point. My initial purpose for bacteria dosing was my tank was (as you know) sterile... dry rock, dry sand, no fuge, etc... So it was my way of seeding the system with beneficial bacterias. This was months after I ran into algae/cyano issues from the tank cycling with no bacteria source other than indirect environmental introduction. I thought it was necessary to get the tank back in balance in regards to beneficial bacteria strains. :)

I'm also investigating sources of methane as my tank sits just feet from my water heater and HVAC. I've heard elevated of methane can cause these kinds of issues as well. Don't have much info on that right now but have been looking into it.

As it relates to your lighting change from Radium to Phoenix.....are you happy with the change? I need to replace my lighting fairly soon (11 months on 250w Radiums) and need some guidance on how well your new Phoenix bulbs are working?

Many thanks.....

As it relates to your lighting change from Radium to Phoenix.....are you happy with the change? I need to replace my lighting fairly soon (11 months on 250w Radiums) and need some guidance on how well your new Phoenix bulbs are working?

Many thanks.....

Besides the algae issue I most likely precipitated by waiting way to long to change out the bulbs... :lol: Yes, I'm very happy with the Phoenix bulbs. I really like the color of the tank overall and how clear it looks. Not water clarity but more overall color representation. It just looks more natural to me. So yeah I'm pleased with them so far. :)

It's been a while since I took some pics of my fishy friends. :)







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