I see a float switch and solinoid build coming in the future
I was just thinking about this.

Once I get the new reservoirs I love to put one on the RO reservoir and have it timed so I'm not constantly filling every couple days. I'm assuming once my kalk dosing increases I won't have to fill the RO reservoir as much but it would be a time saver for sure. I'm afraid if I automate everything I won't have anything to tinker with anymore. :lol:
I take it the blue line going in to both tanks is how you fill from your RO/DI. Do you have a bigger RO/DI container somewhere so you dont have to run the RO/DI machine so much just to fill up a five gallon bucket? Also, how long does a five gallon bucket of top off last you?
Hey Alex, yes the blue line which comes from the RO/DI Tees to both the Top-Off reservoir (bottom) and Kalk reservoir (top), simply to make refills easier. When I upgrade the Kalk reservoir I'm at the very least going to put a float valve in there for peace of mind. Right now I just have to time it out and watch it each time I fill it to make more Kalk. I have a 32g Brute I use for water changes that I could use for an RO/DI reservoir but I haven't done so yet. I was always concerned about TDS creep by making large amounts of "unsealed" RO/DI water. If I had a proper water storage tank that was sealed relatively tight I would be less apprehensive I think.
How rigid is the tubing they sent you? Is it the white tubing I see going into the top of the reservoir? I've been searching high and low for 1/4" rigid tubing and can't find it anywhere.
I've been wanting to use a uniseal bulkhead in the top of my containers for a clean look, but have a hard time finding those as well.
Yes, that is the rigid tubing coming from the reservoir that feeds the dosing pump. I believe it's the same stuff you can buy to plumb an ice maker on your refrigerator. I was at Lowe's last night and saw some on a roll where they keep the vinyl tubing and it looked exactly the same. Not positive, but I think it's the same stuff.
You can only get a Uniseal as small as 1/2" unfortunately, I researched the same thing. Either you'd have to go with a 1/2" Uniseal / small piece of 1/2" pipe / threaded adapter / 1/4" threaded tubing adapter if you want to adapt to a dosing pump. If you can stay with John Guest style fittings, BRS has a bulkhead adapter but it has a metal nut - not so good...
The only other option I've found for airline tubing adapters are the mini-bulkheads at Jehmco. They have an airline tubing bulkhead that might work for your application. I don't know if it has any metal parts though so you'd have to inquire. It would make a very clean look though. Here's the link...
Scroll down to the "Miniature Bulkhead Hose Barbs".
I have found it at Petco before.