If I were you I would just be patient and wait out that Nitrate spike. Even though it is the less harmful of the cycle, it is NEVER a good idea to rush things. Plus the reward for doing it right is just so much sweeter. Just look at the rest of your system, you know what I am talking about.
Is that Nitrate test old? I might want to get that verified by another kit, another reefer, or a fish store before you do anything too drastic. I've never even seen that color before...
Polymers( carbohydrates) these include: bio pellets which are carbohydrate based plastics. There are different types but commercial hobby companies don't tell us what they are using so useful comparisons of pellet types beyond anecdotal accounts are unavailable. .BTW Some folks are using diy polymer plastics
Methods: reactor use, placement in canister filters or good flow areas in sumps are the most prevalent methods.
There are some products that contain tiny beads in liquid that some dose directly to the tank.
Comment and Opinion:
I was excited but skeptical about these when then first hit the market. Mostly because the were claimed to segregate bacterial activity and it's effects to the pellets without braodcasting the activity throughout the tank.
This proved untrue as there are many reports of cyano blooms, coral stress, and bacterial blooms ocurring with them indicative of off pellet activity, ie: monomers are diffusing, bacteria are growing off the pellets and bacterial by products are effecting some systems adversely in terms of cyano growth and coral health. I have not seen a report of long term success with them.There are now a myriad of bio pellet products and equipment to choose from for those who are so inclined.
They are expensive compared to other types.
Equipment is required for most applications adding to the cost and complexity of managing the dosing. In fact a majority of the posts on polymer pellets( aka bio pellets) concern reactor choices flow rates pellet amounts, etc. Disappointingly ,there is little focus on the bacteria culture which is the essence of it all.
It's hard to know or control how much organic carbon you are actually dosing at a given time. Pellets degrade, flow varies , clogs happen, etc.
They are polymers which I personally choose not to dose since a long cascade of bacterial activity some of which may be harmful by different strains occurs in degrading them down to acetate which is a beneficial substance to living things.
WoW ur a reefing God. Love it. !!! wish i had the space in my house for something ilke this .
Thought you might find this interesting - a writeup I found from Tom (TMZ) from the RK Mag staff. I was looking for more info to follow along on your use and modding of the biopellet reactor.
He has some really good information here on different carbon sources and how the pellets breakdown to be used by bacteria:
An exerpt (from Post #21) from the thread - its a very long, but informative read. Biased towards the use of vodka/vinegar as a carbon source, but very good bio pellet information as well:
Did some more testing tonight... Ammonia is 0, Nitrite is 0, but to my shock Nitrate is off the chart! I didn't even have to wait 5 minutes for the test to develop, the color was instant. :eek1: I expected high NO3 but this was shocking to say the least.
I will obviously be filling the fuge with fresh saltwater and transferring ONLY the rock to it when ready. Do you think any of that excess NO3 will transfer to the fuge when I add the rock or will it just stay in the cycling water?
Thanks for the kind words of my island, I wish more people in the island appreciated the beauty of our natural habitat/resources. If I'm not mistaken that bio-luminescent effect is cause by a dinoflagellates in the water, but you probably knows more than me on the subject since you took the tour. Thats a astonishing site.Speaking of Puerto Rico, I've been through 3 times on cruises. The last time I was there I went on a kayak excursion through the Vieques Bio-luminescent Bay. I have to say that was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in my life. I wish I could get my tank to light up at night like that.
tredreef Brett,
If I were you I would just be patient and wait out that Nitrate spike. Even though it is the less harmful of the cycle, it is NEVER a good idea to rush things. Plus the reward for doing it right is just so much sweeter. Just look at the rest of your system, you know what I am talking about.
08/20/2012 10:42 PM
Thanks for the kind words of my island, I wish more people in the island appreciated the beauty of our natural habitat/resources. If I'm not mistaken that bio-luminescent effect is cause by a dinoflagellates in the water, but you probably knows more than me on the subject since you took the tour. Thats a astonishing site.
...and please come a again (in indoo accent)![]()
So Brett you took your reactor offline again?
I just finished building my recirc reactor, almost identical to yours. I used a sicce 1.0 though and just drilled the reactor and used uniseals. The plan is to put it online this weekend.
With it being recirc you have control of input and output I assume? More likely controlling the input rather than the output to reduce pressure on the reactor. Did you notice ill effects on anything in the tank? I only ask because I'm going to be starting EXTREMELY slow this time with pellets and probably have it turn my tank over once every 4-5 days. I think I'll start with 250ml-500ml of pellets.
Brett, are you reading "any" nitrite at all? If so, that will cause your nitrate result to read a false high.
Never mind, I saw you are reading zero nitrite. This is why I like good quality "liverock". It has a ton of biodiversity and rarely will you see that high of nitrate.
you got me thinking of investing in a few crabs... how long did it take them eat up all of your bubble algae? . ive been having some issues with BA for a little while.
The Emeralds destroyed my bubble algae issue. I purchased mine from Salty Underground. They were fresh from the Florida Keys, picked them up the same day they came in. It didn't take long, I'd say 3-4 weeks before they were begging for food. I recently lost one, not sure why -perhaps lack of food. In a 60g cube I'd only get 1 or maybe 2 max depending on how much bubble algae you have. Once they've beaten the algae I'd consider giving them to someone else with a bubble problem or sell back to LFS so they don't go hungry.![]()
you need to enter that picture in our local clubs picture of the month contest. This months subject is any thing hot!!!:wildone:
Did yours develop a taste for anything else after the BA was gone? Detrius? uneaten food? other algae?
Did you recheck your nitrite?
I'm not sure how much it takesI do know that when I read 1 on my nitrite kit that my nitrate reading will be sky high.