drummereef's 180g in-wall build

I've been researching the topic for a couple weeks now and have read those reviews on MD. There's a couple interesting threads on here and elsewhere about the subject as well. Right now it seems like the debate is 50/50. Some have good luck some have bad. Some claim Zeo is still better. Seems like the people with not so good luck have a nitrate and phosphate issue to begin with they are trying to correct. Unfortunately I don't think this is the desired application for this product. I think ideally it's for that last little bit of unwanted nutrient and maintenance from then on. Just thoughts.... :D

Just a note this in my opinion and I have never actually used NP Biopellets. I am just trying to help people understand the supply and demand aspect of bacteria... algae follows the same rules to some extent.

One note on the pellets... Never install them when you already have very high nitrates... you will probably get a bacteria bloom. You want to make sure you get the levels of nitrates down then install it. Most of the people who experienced blooms had very high N/P, in other words they had lots of food for the bacteria so they reproduce till the food is down and the bacteria to nutrient supply is balanced. If you start out with less "food" they can't reproduce as fast and suffocate your tank.

Well said Green. I agree on all points. Thanks for the insight. :)

Curious as to why are feel you need/want them?

Have you looked into dosing vodka?

For some reason after reading your OCD'ed build I have a feeling nitrates aren't going to be a problem for you.

Good husbandry goes a long way IMO.

Agree husbandry goes a long way but it seems like to get that last little bit of nutrient out of the system something else is needed. Either Vodka dosing or the pellets. The allure of sparkling clean water and the lack of nuisance algae is very appealing for sure. Under the right conditions I think it can be done as is demonstrated is some of these people's tanks. This method seems like a more consistent, readily available source of carbon. Still researching but it looks promising...

Husbandry does go a long way... but if it's set up right the NP "should" allow you to have a higher bio load

In theory I would say yes. :D
Honestly, if you decide decide that NP Pellets are a good idea, I'm going to hop on the band wagon too! I've been vodka/bacteria dosing for over two years now, but I can be pretty forgetful about my dosing and we all know how important consistency is in this hobby. These pellets seems like a perfect "set and forget" method of carbon dosing for maintenance of low nutrient levels!
Honestly, if you decide decide that NP Pellets are a good idea, I'm going to hop on the band wagon too! I've been vodka/bacteria dosing for over two years now, but I can be pretty forgetful about my dosing and we all know how important consistency is in this hobby. These pellets seems like a perfect "set and forget" method of carbon dosing for maintenance of low nutrient levels!

Ha! Don't jump off the cliff just because I do! :lol: No , that's my point exactly. It's a more consistent carbon source for the system which has less chance for human error imo. The human error being forgetting to dose or perhaps dosing the wrong/inconsistent amount over time etc... It allows the bacteria to consume at their own pace.

Want to come plumb my tank I'll pay airfare :) and beer.

I might just be crazy enough... :fun5: :lol:

Ordering my substrate today and going with the same as you. Do you remember how much you put in? I was thinking about 120lbs to 160lbs.

The whole enchilada. :D

I always love the look of a new, clean system. Now if it looks that good still in 2 years, we'll know you'll need treatment for OCD. ;) Everything looks amazing.


Looking great, Brett!
We're inspired to improve our crappy sump room. This layout is so functional and clean-looking.
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Couple of things. One, you're killing me with how clean and neat your stand and sump are. Its just not right!:lol2:

Secondly, I've been using biopellets for about 2 months now and have experienced great results. The first thing that I noticed was the water clarity and that I had to clean my glass less. Plus, when I first starting using the pellets my nitrates were around 15 and now they are below 5. I've changed from weekly to biweekly water changes. I'm very happy with the results. I'm using them in the nextreef biopellet reactor.

Your sump layout is top notch. Nice to see someone study different systems and think it through like you have.

I bet you end up changing out your clear tubing with black before too long, at least I did. The clear just gets to be a pain to keep clean, but it's cheap so you may just want to replace it every few months. (and that valve manifold to reactor set up looks kind of familure :) )

Ordering my substrate today and going with the same as you. Do you remember how much you put in? I was thinking about 120lbs to 160lbs.

I actually only used about 60lbs (1.5 bags) in my display. The sand bed varies in depth but is no more than 1". I'm actually considering taking some out. I really only want enough to cover the bottom and potentially make a wrasse happy if I get one. :)


Looking great, Brett!
We're inspired to improve our crappy sump room. This layout is so functional and clean-looking.

Ha, thanks prop. Always appreciated. :)

Couple of things. One, you're killing me with how clean and neat your stand and sump are. Its just not right!:lol2:

Secondly, I've been using biopellets for about 2 months now and have experienced great results. The first thing that I noticed was the water clarity and that I had to clean my glass less. Plus, when I first starting using the pellets my nitrates were around 15 and now they are below 5. I've changed from weekly to biweekly water changes. I'm very happy with the results. I'm using them in the nextreef biopellet reactor.

That's great news! :thumbsup: I'm almost ready to pull the trigger and get a setup going. I'm strongly looking at the Warner Marine EcoBak pellets and the NextReef SMR1 reactor. I'm leaning towards the WM pellets just because they are cheaper and seems like there's a lot of people getting good results with them. There's even some die hard Zeo heads switching over to these pellets. That should tell us something right? :D Thanks for the heads up! :)


Your sump layout is top notch. Nice to see someone study different systems and think it through like you have.

I bet you end up changing out your clear tubing with black before too long, at least I did. The clear just gets to be a pain to keep clean, but it's cheap so you may just want to replace it every few months. (and that valve manifold to reactor set up looks kind of familure :) )

Thank you Pete. :) You know I thought about using black tubing but the Lowe's I went to didn't have 1/2" ID in black, just 3/8" ID. Otherwise I would have plumbed in black for sure. Once these get dirty I'll probably order some black tubing online. Oh, and I only learn from the best you know. ;)
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Just wanted to list my tank params since I don't think I've shared until now...

Temp 79.9F
pH 8.13
Alk 9.0
Ca 425
Mag 1215
PO4 Undetectable
NO3 7ppm

All tests were taken with Salifert test kits except Temp and pH which are monitored with the Apex. I also tested NO3 with an API test kit and it tested the same. Need to get the Mag up a little but I suppose everything else is looking OK for now. Obviously I'd like to continue to get the NO3 down below 1ppm ideally. Also, at this point I don't really know what the PO4 is since the algae bloom might be masking the actual value. Probably will know more when it passes.

In other news... speaking of OCD, I did a little organizing. :lol: I had this plastic cart sitting around so I decided to clean it up and use it for my reef related gadgets. You can pick these carts up dirt cheap at any home center or even better estate/yard sales. I like it so much I'd actually like to get a bigger one. What do you think? :)

Plastic 4-Drawer Rolling Cart


Refractometer and Turkey Baster


Tiger Shark Magnet Cleaner, JBJ 4-In-One Tool and Bulb Siphon Starter


Salifert Test Kits


Measuring Cups, API Testkit and Probe Calibration Fluid

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I'm not sure whats funnier, the fact that you took a picture of cleaning supplies that are very clean...(what do you use to clean the cleaners?) or the fact you took a picture and the time to post each drawer open.

The more I try to emulate your build in mine I feel like a 6 year old playing with legos while you are doing big boy stuff.
I'm not sure whats funnier, the fact that you took a picture of cleaning supplies that are very clean...(what do you use to clean the cleaners?) or the fact you took a picture and the time to post each drawer open.

The more I try to emulate your build in mine I feel like a 6 year old playing with legos while you are doing big boy stuff.

:lol: Yeah I figured someone would end up asking me what is in the drawers so I took some pics just for kicks. LOL :p
Very clean in every aspect, I'm almost amazed you don't bath your fish. JK, probably the best planned and executed tank I have ever seen. Nice job.
Very clean in every aspect, I'm almost amazed you don't bath your fish. JK, probably the best planned and executed tank I have ever seen. Nice job.

From one Brett to another, thank you. :) I don't know about bathing my fish but if I could take them for walks I would. :lol:

After a water change this evening, the quarantine setup is up and running. Pumped out the old display water into the quarantine, placed the cycled sponge into the HOB filter, and voila... Instant quarantine. Hopefully this weekend I can find some Chromis in this town to test it out. :) I'll take some pics in a bit.

On another note, I learned a decomposing snail has just about the worst smell I've ever smelled. :lol: RIP little guy but wow that was rank!
LOL on the snail (had a good chuckle at that) - love the plastic draws & looking forward to seeing the pics on the quaratine tank
Drip acclimating the new Chromis now. Unfortunately I lost one somehow on the way home. :( The owner of the store was cool though and is offering to replace it. The other 4 are doing OK for now, cross my fingers...
Well, 3 of the 5 are looking great. The other one started looking stressed during acclimation. His dorsal fin was pretty mangled which leads me to believe he was getting picked on. I transferred him into the QT before the other 3 but he's probably not going to pull through unfortunately. I wonder if the death in the shipping bag had something to do with it, possibly stress. I tested for ammonia in the bag but there was no appreciable amount. Oxygen could also be the cause but I don't know. hmmmmm....